Tuesday, July 25, 2006
After nursing the 2 pinkies for awhile, i decided to change the bedding for the rabbit, then i saw another pinkie!!! behind the cage.. it's soooo small, but still moving! i thot it would've died without food or shelter for more than 15 hours, but is managed to survive. so aft that, i tried to look out for anymore babies -- luckily none left outside.
total head count 3 pinkies! the last one was really small, but i'm sure it's stronger than the rest, since it survived thru the ordeal..
i'm so scared that the mother rabbit will bite them to death, must be due to me touch them too much, so they reek of human smell? so the mother doesn't attempt to feed them which poor me haf to do the job. i used a really tiny dropper and put drops of fresh milk into the mouths of the babies. time-consuming, but bo bian, since the mother doesn't want them.. she even attempted to bite one of its tiny arms off!! scary sia.. and the mother like blind one leh, she stepped one the little ones a lot of times! haiz.. poor babies..