Wednesday, July 19, 2006

~ tug on my heartstrings ~

Including today, i still have only 3 more days left. felt a bit sad, as i see my students this morning. i wanted them to stay back for 5 min to take pictures with me, some of them complain, complain, complain, but the most touching thing is the talkative (dun pay attn to my lesson) one is making an effort to persuade everyone to stay back to take pictures. seeing this, my heart melted.

sometimes i really do hate the class for making me hoarse after every lesson, cos they make so much noise and dun wan to listen to me. for today, they were manageable and nice. i think little incidents like this motivate you. to go on even though how life can be so shitty sometimes. i makes me feel that i havent done enough for them. *sobs*

hope life will be better next week and hope that i will not miss them so much.


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