Tuesday, July 25, 2006
in case u havent gotten the news, im now the official proud owner of ...
2 new baby rabbits!!
it came as a shock for me too. last nite, when i was about to sleep at midnight, i peeked into the rabbits' cage and found 2 tiny, wriggly, pinky, baby rabbitthey're so small u can hold them in your palm. and they're so cute, they stumble around blindly, cos their eyes cannot open yet.
probably it came as a shock for the mother too, cos the mother is a 1st time mother and i guess she don't know how to feed the rabbits. that's why she sits in a daze in one corner of the cage. these few days i gonna be busy feeding the little ones. poor little rabbits.. they're soo cute, but i can't keep them for long, my mum wants me to give it away since we already had much space occupied by other things.. oh well, gonna nurse them back to health then think about who to give.. :)
i'm so proud of the 2 precious ones!