Monday, August 14, 2006
Have u ever known a person for less than a week and hate her to the core?? i thought i'll be quite amicable and won't ever experience this but..
i simply hate a person after knowing her for only less than a week u know! at 1st i'm quite understanding, trying to justify her actions, but after awhile, i simply give up.. ok, so the story goes..
this fellow person whom i contacted to car pool to the journey to the west, let's call her E. at 1st i felt that she's just enthusiastic and wants car pool to school with this driver, female, S. then subsequently, since S has got some timing which doesn't fit, E found another driver A (which she needs to take mrt to 2 stops away to get picked up). then sometimes, A and S also cannot fit, so she targetted my ex-colleague M, who is not v interested in anyone cat or dog to go on his car (what i felt lah, not he told me one), who lombang me to sch some days.
and then that's the mistake.. i gave her the contact of M and then i felt that i'm doing something wrong.. i mean it's not like he'll say he minded ppl taking his car (they pay him $3/ trip oso mah).. and then it'll seem selfish to say i dun wan to give u a ride when it's along the way. anyway, nothing wrong with that actually..
wat i hate is that she tries too hard!! in getting car pool that i think she is spoilt.. (can't say she's a spoilt brat, cos she abit auntie auntie with a kid) she just refuses to go to school or go home on public transport!! to an extent she's willing to wait 2 hrs for her car pooler so that she can take the public transport! (i mean u could've reached home within 1 n a half hour!!)
and the way she feels for me is like, why aren't u actively seeking for a driver to car pool u? she helps me with my schedule, suggesting ppl to me, which i dun think it's necessary.. i mean, i'm like, if there's someone to drive me back, gd, if not, nvm.. as long as i've got most of my going-to-school trips covered, it's fine.. even if u ask me to take public transport, it's fine! i'd take car pooling as sorta a plus point, not a necessity..
ah well, it's just a difference in priority and view, and i really do not understand that kind of stupid mentality.. and i feel so sorry for getting my friend into the mess.. grr.. i'm thinking of seeking alternative routes to school, without carpooling!