Tuesday, August 01, 2006

~ more updates ~

My lessons at NIE has started from this week. last wk was filled with briefing after briefing, talks after talks.. and of cos, busy with my babies..

all along i think i'm a person who takes a longer time to warm up to others. and whenever i'm pushed into a new environment, it starts all over again.. i need at least 3 wks to warm up to ppl whom i work with.. just like the last time when i was in my contract sch..

so nowadays, i'm an antisocial person. nobody to sit with during lectures, nobody to talk to (Actually made 1 or 2 acquaintances, but i dun have at least 1 friend in each class). i feel quite demoralised with this. and the more lonely i feel, the more i feel like escaping into my own world. it's funny how a teacher-to-be always have this kind of moments.. i think i'll be better in time to come, but this character of mine is a bane to my profession.. well, this also comes with experience. but with my 24 years of life, i havent improved in this aspect. u know how frens are impt esp when u do not know anybody there now??

on a happier note, my babies are now white! their fur have grown and especially the biggest baby looks like a mini rabbit.. their eyes are not open yet though. should be expecting it these few days.


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