Tuesday, August 01, 2006
My lessons at NIE has started from this week. last wk was filled with briefing after briefing, talks after talks.. and of cos, busy with my babies..
all along i think i'm a person who takes a longer time to warm up to others. and whenever i'm pushed into a new environment, it starts all over again.. i need at least 3 wks to warm up to ppl whom i work with.. just like the last time when i was in my contract sch..
so nowadays, i'm an antisocial person. nobody to sit with during lectures, nobody to talk to (Actually made 1 or 2 acquaintances, but i dun have at least 1 friend in each class). i feel quite demoralised with this. and the more lonely i feel, the more i feel like escaping into my own world. it's funny how a teacher-to-be always have this kind of moments.. i think i'll be better in time to come, but this character of mine is a bane to my profession.. well, this also comes with experience. but with my 24 years of life, i havent improved in this aspect. u know how frens are impt esp when u do not know anybody there now??
on a happier note, my babies are now white! their fur have grown and especially the biggest baby looks like a mini rabbit.. their eyes are not open yet though. should be expecting it these few days.