Friday, March 03, 2006

~ more happy and sad things~~~ fall down~~~

one thing that happened to me today was the most tui xue thing! i fell down at the stairs leading to the exit from the cinema at cineleisure at orchard!!! sprained my right feet and scraped my left knee.. like a primary school kid.. haiz.. but the most worrying thing that crossed my mind when i fell was not my feet or my image, but the laptop i'm carrying.. haha.. silly hor?

before that, i left school at 2 pm(1st time leave sch so early since 2006 started) for lunch and movie with my colleague. we went cineleisure to get tics for this show called "Transamerica" which is about a transexual finding back his/her son etc etc.. it's R21 rated by the way.

went to Yaki Yuki for steamboat and teppenyaki and ice cream teppenyaki buffet lunch. sneaked past the cashier with student passes of myself. hee.. the 2 of us used my ez link and nus matric card to get 2 bucks off the bill for each of us. the steamboat and teppenyaki is only normal, but the ice cream is yummy!! maybe cos we "fried" the ice cream on our own, so more flavour and felt more tasty when we were eating it. we tried 11 flavours of ice cream!! breaking the record of my other colleague with only a record of 9! haha.. yummy!!

in case u dunno, yun LOVES ice creams!!in fact im crazy over ice creams of any sort.. gelato, sundae, sorbet, ice cream, chocolate, mocha, green tea, rocher, raspberry ripples, phish food, chunky monkey (monkey in the bush??).. LOL.. and i get cravings at least once a week.. hee.. but fattening hor? intended to got for a swim tml morning but look at my 2 legs!! damn, hope i dun grow fat!!

prior to this yday was my bday, if u dun rem.. my students, all knew, due to the efficiency of the rumor -mongers.. i received little bday card from my geeky student(read below) and he bought me a packet of chrysanthemum tea again.. *shakes head* also, my colleague(Art teacher) drew me a pic of 4 "me- to - you bear" on a canvas.. so cute!! they're suppose to represent the clique of the 4 of them in the staffroom that sits around me and im the most close with.. take a photo to show u all one of these days. my other teacher who was sort of my supervisor previously also bought me a pair of earrings.. similar to the pair dear bought me 1 wk ago for my bday present. but hers is more shiny, very-her taste.. i love all my gifts!

today, i received a small box of chocolate from a student as well.. aiyoh, so paiseh, next time dun tell anyone my bday. and then this other rich girl (got a long story abt her, must say next time) she gave me a present as well, unwrapping it, i found a set of 5 miniature lancome perfumes!! gasps.. i can't even afford a decent bottle of perfume on my own and she gave me 5 miniature ones!! so i said, next time dun tell anyone my bday.

then i went for dinner with dear at the ulu country manna at s'goon gardens, guess who i saw? 1 of my netball girls with her mum!! super paiseh, cos she was sitting diagonally across from me.. *blush* to think that such a pathetic no-customer place can meet my students!! so we quickly ate and left the place. and as usual, i get my sweet secrets cake from dear and it was wonderful as well! who dun love anything chocolate and moousy and sweet and cool??

and the BIGGEST news of all is, despite all the bad reports and bad feedbacks, i'm finally getting into NIE! dun worry, i promise to improve and not allow myself to make anymore mistakes again!which means that i can go in with all my NUS guy frens and KX!! hee.. so exciting.. yup, so wish me luck.. but i know im gonna miss all my colleagues and students.. :)


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