Friday, February 17, 2006

~becos of u, i will stay..~

Beware: yun will be whining as usual in the later part, so u can ignore this post if u dun like to read about my whines..

today is fri, and sch ends early at 1235pm. 3 of my students came to look for me to get some help on their maths. the 2 gals and 1 guy are from a class which i co-teach with another more experienced teacher.

the 2 gals are quite hardworking, but i must say that they take a longer time to think and grasp mathematical concepts. they are also easily distracted yet i can feel their passion to learn. the guy is a vvvvvv hardworking boy, in front of him, i feel so ashamed.. cos he's already on to the 2nd semester's work.

so i gave the 3 of them a few simultaneous equations to solve. and of cos, the guy has no problems with the questions but the gals are having a hard time solving it. even after telling one of them for the 1ooth time, she still can't get the steps right. i must say, a part of it is her lack of confidence in herself.

so after some time i got quite fed up and raised my voice on her, i blamed this impatience on my stupid PMS, tiredness, the hunger that is causing gastric pains or my stomach cramps. but now when i reflect on it myself, i shdn't have done this to her. it's not that she don't want to know how to solve the questions independently, it's just that she just can't get it!

after awhile the two gals had to go for CCA (cos i forced them to go - else they take me as an excuse to skip CCA and keep draining away my energy), so im still left with the guy whom i sorta left out cos i was busy attending to the gals (he also helped teach the gals abit as well).

then i had to tutor him after the gals had left. erm.. frankly speacking, he's too hardworking that i feel abit irritated cos he needs to find a teacher almost everyday to ask maths questions. once a week i feel its ok for me, but that is too taxing to be everyday isn't it? anyway, i've been rejecting him for the past 2 wks cos i really had to go off for netball tournaments straight after school, which i feel a bit bad as well.. i can't blame him for being too hardworking isnt it? cos hardworking students are really rare nowadays.

the point is, although he asks a lot of questions, he doesn't take u for granted like most students do (i think i also took teachers for granted last time.. ). he will be v appreciative towards u.

some of the things he told me(in is slow and stuttering manner):
"Miss Chan, thank u hor, for helping me the jan -feb past 2 months, sometimes u stay back help me.."
"Miss Chan, will you be with us thruout the whole yr? Because i think 2 teacher teach better than 1 teach.."
"Miss Chan, you teach v good leh, bi3 jiao4 wen1 he2.." (implying im not fierce lah..)

ok, dun get the wrong idea, cos seems like he is v appreciative towards ALL his teachers. which is a gd thing.. how i wish i can have a whole class full of these pple! *Dream ON*

and i was so tired today (because of the extended time without food-- i get grouchy without food!! haha..) that i also lost my patience on him, and i felt so bad for doing this to him.. after he was finally quite satisfied with clearing his doubts, and i went back to hide in the staff room, u knw what he did or not? he asked for me at the door, but i was hiding so my colleague help me talk to him.. my colleague brought back a bottle of apple tea and said this student wanted to pass me this cos jus now i very tired. .he just wanted to say thanks to me with that bottle of apple tea. yet i still thot he's trying to disturb me from my rest.. how mean of me?? Actually this means so much to me, esp since its something monetary.. becos he is not a very rich boy. he can't afford a scientific calculator but he will buy things for his teachers. things like a flower on teacher's day, a chinese new yr card for CNY, and now a drink for his wornout teacher!

boy, what kind of teacher am i? to feel irritated with someone who's so nice to me, who want to learn so much from me, who teaches me the way of life more than whatever i've given him in terms of knowledge. today, im a lousy teacher but i promise i will try to control myself better.

u know how these things make u happy? tho many other students make u give up on teaching, but just 1 student will light up my life and reignite my passion for it? i know im giving my best, and its their lost if they dun take me seriously. i wanna tell everyone out there, esp those who belittle me, i will be better than who i am, since the day i stepped into ur school..

many other things to talk about in my life, but no time, cos im trying to show her that i am not the wimp i used to be!


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