Monday, December 12, 2005


Sorry gals, it's been a long time since i last updated.. the comp at home can't be connected to the internet so i haven't been able to update. now using es' comp.

Ever since the other day i ate sushi's butter cake and almond jelly she brought to the chalet, i felt so ashamed that i fa1 fen4 tu2 qiang2 to try to make some of these goodies too.. and i think God must've heard my wishes and i incidentally got to see this brownie demonstration on tv on the day i returned from the chalet.

the brownie tasted more like choc pound cake, but it's still quite chocolately and yummy!! next time when im at home using my comp, i'll post the recipe on my blog.. it's v simple to make, takes just 10 min preparation time, 10 min baking time.. and Voila!!! u get a choc brownie.. hee..

i must thank my asst chef -- actually she does more work, im doing most of the clean up like a maid, haha.. -- my little sis.. and my guinea pig -- es.. he said it'a nice so if it's not nice, then it's his fault.. haha.. ok, so my 1st brownie adventure went ok, so today is a 2nd brownie experience.. will see how other ppl like it?? hee..


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