Monday, November 28, 2005
Been such a long time but i must still say i got a BIG BIG BIG TIGGER from dear on 24th of NOv... IT's my pre-X'mas gift.. hee.. i've been eyeing on this Tigger since it was 1st sold i think more than 1 yr ago.. but sadly it got sold out before i decide if i want it.
this time it came as a surprise cos i wasn't expecting to see it again. but it was back, with a blue top and blue hat.. and i love it, cos it's so big and huggable..
see how big he is?

and do u all rem that we went up Bt Timah hill 2 Sat ago? hee.. the trip was nice, shdn't say v nice, but it was a different experience altogether.. maybe cos yun not fit enough and not properly attired for the steep slope.. here are the 3 warriors who climbed up the hill haha..

just came back from Orchard this evening.. made a trip especially to ORchard to watch the X'mas lightings.. it was really quite disappointing, cos there was really nothing much to watch.. seriously..din really feel the mood for x'mas.. sadly.. but im looking fwd to sales!! X'mas or post-X'mas sales!!! hee.. waiting to get my MNG bag then.