Monday, December 05, 2005
Been away at a Chalet at Changi.. Really draining.. think i had as much fun as frustrating little things..
First of all let me thank all my frens who've been there.. im sorry im such a lousy host and wasn't feeling too elated at times and lemme assure u its not for reasons related to u all.. quite sick of some stuff which i would not like to say here.. :) Hope u all had a nice meal and nice game.. Quoting Meng Meng : "Can Play Game??" LOL..
then i would like to thank my dearie who've been by my side for these few days, when some of the time when im feeling a bit under the weather.. and thanks for playing with the kids.. im sure they love u as much as i love u.. hee.. and thanks for the hello panda and choc bread and milo!! hee..
ok.. some nice photos dearie would've loved :