Monday, December 12, 2005

~wedding dinner~~

last nite i went to the 1st wedding dinner in my life (1st time gg alone mah).. my colleague's.. had fun cos our table was mostly my clique from level 3!! haha.. i had fun watching how two of them were bickering..

anyway, saw that the bridegroom (my colleague) was so skinny when he was during his army.. but now he's... but it's quite touching to see a wedding taking place.. so heartwarming.. and i can feel their happiness and joy when they were standing on the stage..

i wonder when will it be my turn?? haha.. when i get married, i'll be HAPPINESS CHAN.. haha.. crap..

aft that we went singing at party world.. 1st time go singing with my colleagues, was glad that altho i haven't been singing for so long, i'm not the worst... haha.. then we ended quite late at around 3 am.. still a bit tired for this, but i had fun.. it's a nice gathering and thank god it's the holidays!! yippee!! but its ending soon, next wk.. and i haven't really done anything much.. oops..

ok, and if i do not get to blog again, i wish everyone out there a MErry X' MaS first!!


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