Thursday, February 09, 2006
it's been such a long time since i blogged, and within this one week, i acquired 2 cute little bunnies.. hee...
they're pure white drawf rabbits.. with really nice pink eyes.. but my smaller bunny got something around the mouth area fungus or what.. and i dunno what's wrong.. i'm thinking of monitoring it for 1 week and see if it grows bigger or shrinks.
so now im a proud owner of 2 hamsters and 2 rabbits.. ok, nothing more than rabbits i promise. no dogs, no cats for me. actually, i think a rabbit is just a bigger version of a hamster. it eats, drinks and shits a lot.. actually, i really wonder how much food i should give them. they're so greedy.. and can't stop eating. and once they eat, they're shit.. i'm really not so much of a rabbit- rearer, cos i dunno how to take care of them properly.. but they're real fluffy and nice and i'll treat them well.. tell u all more about how i got the bunnies some day..
here're some photos of them :)