Friday, February 24, 2006

~ "long" long time ago~

just after i wrote about the student who gave me apple tea, hmm.. something else really funny happened.

let's call him L.

on wed, he took out a piece of paper with my picture (taken from the school website) printed on it before the lesson started. i was shocked and quite embarassed. he asked me whether my name is "..... YUN" which is said yes, cos the words weren't printed properly. Anyway, i sounded quite cross when i asked him how he got this picture, he said he didn't know how to print but there was this other sec 2 boy at the computer lab who was printing my photo, so he asked that boy to help him print 1 copy as well. he said," the boy v smart to know how to print the photo out, so i asked the boy to print 1 more copy for me"

i was like!!!!!! so this means that there's another boy who also idolises me??? gasps!! i still haven't found out who the other boy is but i suspect it's my sec 2 class boy.

then i also asked him why he wanted my picture. he very innocently said," so that i can take out and see when teacher not here after june" yup, cos i told him i wont be around after june (no matter wat, if i really do not get into NIE, so be it, im giving myself till then)

anyway, so i think i sounded quite angry (actually i think i was embarassed and blushing liao and some other classmates heard of that and was laughing.. tui xue..) so he was apologising profusely to me. which i said nevermind, it's ok many times also.

anyway after school, after my meeting, he found me and passed me a small card which i think he bought at the school bookshop. and he said sorry again to me.. on the card, he talked about being sorry etc.

so the next day on thu, i went into the class again and he came over to say sorry again . maybe he really scared im so angry i dun wan to give him remedial anymore, haha.. and i said it's ok again.

after school, this other gal from the same class came over to talk to me and asked me to go for her teakwondo tournament on sun, she asked me to bring camera. then we were talking and she said she also wanted me to send her a photo. i refused then she said, why L can have, she can't.. so i said i'll take photo with her on Sun. the L overheard our conversation, and was so excited he said " i want also!" then i was like.. er...

sometimes it's like quite overwhelming hor? anyway, he's really got good foresight, cos the next time i become a superstar, the photo he has will be the most valuable. just short of my signature. haha..

yah yah, dream on lah, superstar my foot, can't even be a proper teacher want to tok about being a superstar. LOL..


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