Monday, February 27, 2006

~sad n happy stuffs~

my colleague was saying how shallow our students' blog will be, which i agree. they will talk abt going to sch with their stead, he smiled at me, lunch eat wat.. haha.. without anything further than those daily life incident.. must add some reflective elements into my entries..

today when i came home, my sis told me my hammies died already.. was quite sad about it.. but i think luckily now i've got my rabbits for company. my mum was like saying dun rear anymore hammies, cos she feels that i will not have enough time for time, i think she dun like pets lah.. but i think it's really fun to have them. and time is for ownself to manage, which i felt right now i'm doing ok already. luckily. maybe cos i got the hang of things already..

one last look at my hammies, i love u milo and danny!:

and then one happy thing is i made someone happy. i went to watch a teakwondo tournament at geylang west CC on Sun. woke up late and rushed down on a cab. luckily can see her fight. seriously felt a bit bored. cos wat's so nice to watch? 2 person fight only wat.. anyway, i also dunno how they calculate the points, who win by how.. anyway, was glad to build a closer relationship with my students. show u some photos:

this year started quite ok. at least the students dun look down on me cos i din tell them im not a trained teacher. and i felt im a better actor than before. the stage is the classroom and i know hoe to deliver my lines well, and with confidence. still have much to improve on, but was so glad that things are turning out smoothly much more to my surprise.

thu is my birthday, and my silly sec 1 student ask me when's my bday.. i said thu, she said, "issit on 30th Feb??" i was like"!!!" haha.. anyway, i said yes, so in the end she asked wat i like, then i say no need no need.. etc.. but actually, she asked whether i wan a hello kitty stuffed toy.. i was thinking.. "how i wish!!" haha.. anyway, DON'T BUY for me ok? although it's my fave character, i seriously have no more bed space for a new hello kitty!! haha.. i love hello kitty, i dun deny.. hahaha..

recently, i think the songs i wanna sing when i go KTV is all the SHE new album songs!! hahaha.. i feel like a teenager nowadays.. ok gonna watch campus superstar now..


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