Friday, September 01, 2006

~ Teachers' Day ~

Happy or sad, i choose to be both.

Sad in the sense that i am no longer teaching in the school.
Sad when i feel that i am drifting away frm my colleagues.
Sad when i recall how last yr i was a struggling newbie but with lotsa cards and flowers as gifts and this year there're fewer..

I was quite happy when 2 days ago, my 2 students came up my house at nite, 10 plus to pass me 2 stalks of roses. they remembered that i said i wont be able to go to school to watch the teachers' day celebration becos of i had a test. so they passed it to me earlier.. so sweet..

i was quite happy of emails and e-cards sent to me today which bears sweet messages and true blessings for me..

although it's just 2 simple messages from 2 other students, i'm overwhelmed by their gentleness and warmth that i thought i would've lost when i left the school. i'm glad i'm still with them, in spirit and soul.

not to forget the girl who called me to chat awhile and ended off with a "happy teachers' Day" for me..

Happy Teachers' Day to all the teachers, would-be teachers out there!


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