Sunday, May 01, 2005

~i'm back!~

Hi all,

sorry to those who miss me so.. i'm back from the exams etc.. was feeling abit tired to blog these few days altho i'm free from exams worry..

ok, let's talk abt wat happened the last few days.

went for a medical checkup at Raffles Hospital to clear the employment requirement of the teaching thingie.. and then they took my height to be... 153!!!! *GASPS* am i so short? when haf i shrunk?? sad sad.. then later went shopping with zhen, we each bought a "mould & paint" set from Seiyu's toys section.. it's making winnie the pooh plaster fridge magnets!! meaning u get to mix the plaster and paint the dried plaster!! sounds fun rite? but then to my disappointment, when i tried yesterday, it solidfied so quickly in my mixing bowl, that i had to throw away the whole batch!! sad sad.. think they cheat $$ one.. so expensive leh.. and so HARD to make..

went for my long overdue facial at amk.. it was really refreshing.. the face mask, the eyebrow trimming.. ok, all it takes now for a better me is a great workout routine and a healthy diet (dunno when i gonna start it, getting fat liao :( ) was supposed to meet nit after that to check out the prices for an overseas trip, but she called me while i was enjoying the aircon at amk lib to say she's not feeling well.. well, then i went home to play with my clay (cheat- $- plaster)..

went clementi for lunch with dear, at this Jap Restuarant opp the clementi sports hall, the cinema there.. my advice is: "don't ever eat there.. traumatised!!" by the fried ice cream which ended our meal with such a low note :( was supposed to meet mel at clementi at 230pm, but she said she will be late.. in the end, waited until 4 pm!! sorry for making dear wait with me.. while waiting, was talking abt holiday plans..

finally when mel arrived, we went off to tj pagar to meet up with meilin while we make our way up to Neil Road-- Tea Chapter.. tea chapter is a nice place to chill out, talk and drink tea.. nice ambience, good service, and most importantly-- got AIRCON!! we were damn sweaty and all by the time we reached the doorsteps of tea chapter that we literally RAn up the stairs.. hahha.. caught up on each other's life and gossips, and arguing about our views on marriage.. well.. was quite fun playing snakes and ladders, tho we abandoned it halfway..

later went to the Soup Restuarant for dinner.. was really filling and the samsui chicken was nice ( tho someone out there will be shaking his head).. and the portion was a bit too much for us 3.. but we managed most of the food.. i guess it'll be a gd alternative from crystal jade.. ;)

yup, on the whole, the past few days was really fulfilling and hope that more will come, before i start work in july.. who haven't i met up for a long time? i can meet up now!! :) c ya guys around!!


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