Sunday, March 13, 2005

~nice reunion~

sorry for the long absence.. as those who have me on their msn, u shd know that my project has been bothering me quite alot. er.. gotta prove something, yet cannot think of the way, even my qiang ge also can't think of any way.. recently realised qiang ge sounds like my dear.. or rather dear sounds like qiang ge.. both of them got soothing deep voice.. u know, those really soothing to ur ears, if they speak softly and cut out the "wah laus" and "du lans" and "indians" in the conversation.. i mean dear.. haha.. i love my qiang ge too!! hee..

anyway, met up with mel and meilin yesterday (Sat) for tea.. dear calls them M&M, hee.. anyway, we realised that our bfs (or ex-bf) are all 183cm tall!! haha.. but the thing is, the 3 of us gals are not of the same height, which caused the height difference between my bf and i to be the largest.. haha.. anyway, mel went on abt her life as an auditor, the complaints of her company, vv calculative one (wat to do? accounting firm mah..) then meilin was comparing hers with mel's haha.. oh no.. im joining the workforce soon and they're scaring me out.. hmm.. anyway, we were also talking abt meeting mel's bf from france! when he comes over for a visit in june.. so excited.. hee.. and i suggested tea chapter, where we can learn the art of chinese tea making.. and we shall go there to haf fun 1st.. hee.. yay!! i'll arrange for that soon, once i get my thesis done up properly..

anyway, we were at this place called "Royal Copenhagen" for tea on level 2 within Taka.. their service is really very lousy.. goodness.. they keep asking us whether we wanna take our orders, when we haven't decided on wat to haf.. that happens for around 3 times, till we decided on wat to haf. and mine u, we didn't take to long to decide ok? so anyway, we ordered 2 pots of "royal Copenhagen" brew, 1 cup of coffee, and a slice of marble cheesecake (which quite yummy) (and thanks M&M for singing the bday song for me.. hee..) so subsequently, they brought us our drinks, but meilin's and my tea were served together in the same teapot??! hmm.. so we confirmed with the waitress abt our order and realised that they poured 2 servings in 1 teapot..

ok.. and then we were talking happily and this waitress came up and asked us for the menu we left on the table. we were like, "can we leave it here?" and then the waitress was like "u can always ask us for it when u need it" and then mel came up with something like: "u all do not have enough menu issit?" and the waitress apologetically admitted it.. we were like "er.." so we let her take it back.

and so we continued talking, and drinking tea, and sharing the slice of cake. when we're done with the cake, the waitress efficiently came up and asked us whether she can take back the plate and the 3 dessert forks, we were like, ok.. and then the waitress also helped us pour our tea into our teacups once we were halfway thru for the cup.. so efficient? and then when we slowed down on our drinking pace to talk animately abt life, this waitress keep coming over (at least 3 times) to open the cover of our teapot to check whether we finished the tea. we were feeling like, "hey, that's very rude of u.." and so meilin was rather angry with that and we agreed to say our piece after the waitress come over the next time, which happened shortly after that. so the waitress was explaining abt not having enough teapots directly this time, since we expected this reply, meilin told her that she shd've checked other ppl's teapot as well (which she didn't, cos there's this table of taitais with 2 teapots on their table and the irritating waitress didn't touch their teapot once!) meilin told her that they should do something abt the shortage and asked to speak to the management abt this. shortly after the manager came over and meilin feedbacked to her again about our dissatisfaction. the manager replied in a not-so-apologetic manner and explain the plight and said that she can do nothing about it, cos the management didn't do anything abt it.. which is such and irony!! isn't she the manager?? er..

well, so we swear nv to go to that discriminating cafe (i think they discriminated against us youngsters, cos we look like easy to bully loh!) but when we were walking around Taka level 1 (or B1?) and came across this "Royal Copenhagen" corner, selling the cutlery and plates and teapots used by the cafe, we realised how expensive those few pieces of fragile China can be.. the teapot we used cost $320!! GAsPS.. i think they must sell at least 50 pots of tea with that teapot in order to recoup its losses.. imagine being the dishwasher of that cafe, when u break their teapots, u have to work at least 2 weeks for free!! er..

anyway, thanx for the tea M&M treated me with, was really an interesting day.. and aft meeting them for tea, i went to meet the CBLC ppl from our batch and the senior batch for dinner and we caught up on each other's life.. it was fun..

and thanx M&M for the Isetan voucher, and Qiaozhu for the pair of earrings which i love v much..


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