Sunday, March 06, 2005
the other day (quite some time ago) dear brought me on a cable car ride, on s'pore's cable car system.. i havent been on a cable car in singapore, tho i've been to genting's for more than 3 times at least. so it's something new.. the ride was magnificent, and the view was breathtaking (sound like mountain tortoise).. but i must say that the best part was the cable car tower's lifts at harbourfront. the lift s are those type u can see thru, and we can see the whole harbour towards sentosa.. going up the 14 storeys, we get to see the sea, the sun, the island.. v nice.. and we took the lift up and down at least 5 times haha..
then we went visited the floral display at sentosa.. which was like the last day for the display, and we went in in the last 45 min.. haha.. went in, snap snap some photos, and up on the roofless bus we take back to the cable car station in sentosa. then off we went to mt faber.. initially i thot mt faber was some romantic place where there are benches to sit and watch the sunset, but i thot wrongly.. there's nothing much there except a souvenir shop, 2 restuarants and a lookout pt with binoculars.. can see the port of singapore, can see sentosa, harbourfront and that's about it..
enjoyed myself on that day.. was such a wonderful evening spent with dear.. sorry to blog so back-dated about it i wanted to wait for the photos to be developed to blog about it bah.. hee.. here are the photos: