Thursday, September 02, 2004

~ikea catalogue~

just received the ikea catalogue thru mail today.. i always look forward to receiving a new ikea catalogue for the yr.. i love flipping thru the pages, looking thru the nice decorations, nice ornaments, sweet kiddy furniture, comfy sofa (beds), storage solutions and all the colourful nick-nacks..

all the model rooms in the catalogue, are where i wished i lived in.. so warm, so comfy, so clutter-free.. unlike my house.. sighz..

i can always imagine myself, sleeping on the nicely quilted bed, staring at the sliding door wardrobe thinking about wat to wear for the day.. i think of sitting on the comfy sofa, sipping my cup of tea, reading magazines.. i'd love to have a stylish desk in my study room, somewhere which can accomodate my lappie, my books, my notes.. i dream about having a fun and colourful room for my kids, somewhere where they can play and stimulate their imagination. my kitchen would be a place where i can cook up a storm, where one can have small meals in..

well, i'll always feel like this everytime i get the catalogue.. sighz.. it'll still be a dream to me.. one day, i will have a house of my own, one day.. and i'll get it renovated just how i wanted it to be..

time to go ikea! hee.. it's been a long time.. i remembered the last time when we were studying for A levels, we did go queensway MAc to study rite? hee.. those were the days.. together with nit and huey.. much, much less stress than now? haiz.. the last time i went ikea was, i think i met ling for dinner or lunch(?) when she was working temp around the vicinity.. those were the days..


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