my dear bought me a simple pen holder that i can put on my staff room desk.. and a bottle of honey to prevent me from having sore throat. i will be bringing a tumbler (from 933) to concoct my honey mixture.. bought some stationery as well..
bought some sweets for reward for the kids if they answer qns correctly.. that's wat my colleague i'll be co-teaching with did.. so i reckon i shd at least contribute some sweets..
over the wkend, i bought a pair of sandals, with strapped behind.. think it's really nice.. hee.. and a bag big enuff for A4 stuff.. vv excited about the day i will start teaching.. which will be soon i think .. excited and nervous..
on fri, i sneaked out at 1 pm cos i meeting paw for lunch, then i realised i was the 1st to leave the sch.. uh oh.. but my colleagues told me to go home early while i still can.. haha.. btw, the guy teacher sitting behind me is a PE teacher who's really suave and shuai.. with nice muscles.. haha.. but too bad i already haf my eyes on my skinny dear.. my skinny dear who's ever so supportive.. hee.. thanks for the honey, and the care and concern.. i'm gonna be fine :)
yesterday i started my teaching stint.. reached school quite early.. whole day during lessons, i had nothing to do but go around find teachers to give me materials and instructions.. realised that everyone is quite friendly, was quite glad of it.. :) i was sitting where most of the young teachers are sitting.. everyone is very helpful.. :)
after school yesterday, we had staff contact time. din know that actually it can be so comfortable and unstifling.. the principal is a nice lady.. but of cos v fierce to the students.
and ate kueh lapis and a bday cake during staff meeting.. they were discussing a theme for teacher's day dinner.. hee.. so happy to be considered part of them, on the 1st day of work.. haha..
anyway, today was a culture shock, or rather, i haven't experienced it before.. was supposed to relief a sec 1 N(T) class.. thot sec 1 N(T) shdn't be too naughty, but i was wrong.. heard that thar's the nuaghtiest class in sch.. and i was in for it.. yah, came out of the class with sinking heart, losing voice, and tired feet.. but felt a great acheivement.. i didn't die.. but i feel i must train my vocals, think im not loud enuff..
next 2 class to relief was also sec 2 N(T) but felt relieved that it's not as scary as my 1st class.. next up was back to my sec 1 N(T) class i took in the 1st period, with another teacher, gg thru maths.. v headache, but at least some kids learnt.
1 thing struck me today as i was gg for relief. i realised that there are actually some pupils who really want to learn in class.. but the thing is, most of the class are so noisy, so playful that the environment becomes too distracting. i saw this boy who was actually quietly revising his work, and asked me maths qns.. i felt this sour feeling rushed thru my heart.. it's like, circumstances were so bad, yet, he is still untouched, or rather, he choose not to join the mess, which is really quite comforting rite?
well, i aspire to inspire more students, help them, when they need me.. its mostly their choice, whether they want to learn or not, to put in effort for their own sake. i will face up to the challenges, and train my voice.. ktv anyone?? haha.. just joiking.. v v tired.. tuition later.. :(
my teaching career's starting on Wed!! officially.. but with all the horror stories abt contract teaching.. i'm already having my reservations of how rewarding it's gonna be. it's like, if pple dun give u a chance to perform, how can u show how capable u are, rite?
i shall fight for my chance, i shall show them i'm indeed capable!! haha.. easy to say..
was feeling quite depressed when i got my posting, was v scared i can't teach them properly, scared of getting cold feet, scared of a large workload (cos got v few teachers, saw from their website)..
but now i got over it.. i think no matter what, even if u've successful given only 1 student a boost, that's really a difference right? what made me accept this job in the 1st place? i want to be able to help students, no matter what, the gratitude they give me when i've explained something effectively to them, is really what i'm looking for rite? maybe that's why i love my jc 2 tuition kid so much.. she always so polite, always say "thank you" after the tuition, always nodded in agreement with wat i've said, wat i've explained, that i feel so wonderful everytime after her lesson.. v touched :)
i hope i get more nods, more "thank yous" (and hopefully more presents on teachers day?? ) haha.. still quite a long way to go i know! so silly rite?
and another comforting thing about teaching is the amount of holidays i get.. haha.. haven't started working, i'm already thinking of break! lemme list down the holidays.. dun turn green with envy hor!
- national day holiday (9th and 10th Aug)
- teachers day(1st Sept)
- 1 wk break (3rd - 11th Sept)
- dec holidays (30th Oct- 1st Jan 2006)
ok, ok, so estatic i don't need to blog any further.. hee.. i feel like jumping around like the ninja turtle on msn emoticon.. lalalalala..
shall enjoy my sat and sun b4 i start work..
how you feel about yourself now
(The Chariot)
You feel everything is a constant battle at the moment, but persevere and you will triumph in the end. Expect some good news that will help you to keep going until you achieve your goals. This is a time of movement and change and of conflicts ending in victory. You may well consider a journey that relates to work or go for that new car you’ve been looking at.
what you most want at this moment
The cards suggest yun, that what you most want at this time is for a fair and right outcome whether it concerns relationships or business affairs. You feel that you are in the right and that any decision or agreement to be made should be in your favour.
your fears
(Wheel Of Fortune)
You are in fear of everything turning for the worse for you, perhaps you are experiencing a run of bad luck. You have to trust that most of what we fear never happens and as The Wheel of Fortune turns downwards against you, the wheel will naturally turn upwards again and bring good fortune to you too. This difficult phase will pass.
what is going for you
(The Hanged Man)
With patience this passive time, this time of feeling in limbo and indecision, will pass. You will know what decisions to make, what or who to let go of and how to move on. Whatever self-sacrifice you have to make you will feel a better and stronger person for it.
what is going against you
(The Star)
This is a period of tension and frustrations, you feel pessimistic and fearful that your hopes will be dashed. Any bad luck you may be having is primarily down to your self-doubt and negativity. Have faith that your luck will change.
(The Emperor)
Expect success and achievement of your goals, this is a time for fulfillment of your ambitions. If you have placed your trust in your father, husband/partner or a man of significance in your life, they will come up trumps for you. If you have been the victim of ill-will don’t worry, you will win in the end.
What is important is the outcome. i sure do hope the outcome is going to come true! :)
Happy Birthday Su Shihui!!!
ok, shall write sth to commemorate Su Shihui's birthday..
su shihui's my Sec 3-4 classmate. but i think we 1st met each other in Sec1 cos we were both in the same ECA rite? hee.. and then under her leadership. i learnt how to slack my way thru Sec 4's NP days.. hee...
and she' my best crapper on MSN!! haha.. thanks to her, i cured some lonely days online...
so once again Happy Birthday gal!!
"still completely and totally focused on one particular person? good because there's absolutely no doubt that the feeling is extremely mutual. Now's the time to make the rest of the world go away."
when can the rest of the world go away? and leave me and dear together? missing my dear..
along the long dark path,
the chilling night bites into the skin of the single dark shadow.
with brisk footsteps and the alert mind,
the single dark shadow wished she was home having dinner instead.
the looming dark path seems neverending,
and the single dark shadow prayed that no wormy will come falling on her.
where's the long dark shadow?
that completes the single dark shadow?
where's the long dark shadow that protects single dark shadow from all the bugs and worms?
hope my long dark shadow is protected from the bugs and worms too..
I've finally graduated. believe it or not, love it or not. hmm.. 4 yrs seems so long yet so short. frankly speaking, i'm really glad to have found some new frens during my final yr of study.
of cos there are some misses and disappointments, but today is a day of celebration!! hee.. actually didn't really celebrate much. unless u count sharing a whole tub of 750ml ice-cream with dear a celebration? as u all know, i'm such a sucker for ice-creams and chocolate-flavoured ones are simply irresistable!
the moment on stage was short, and i felt that today went past so fast, as though i have yet done anything. prior to this, i felt that it was my big day, as everyone else put it. but everything simply flew by and here i was staring at the photos taken today. sighz.. old liao, i've graduated from NUS, only to step into the working world. no freedom.. not fun.. not looking fwd to it. but well, i have no choice right?
i hope things won't fly by so quickly on my wedding day too.. i want to enjoy the moment, every part of it. i want to be the only one pple's gaze will fall on, not like today where everyone is in their convo gown.. haha.. well, wedding will have to wait, at least till my ah boy gets his shot at his commencement.
ok, so here are some of the photos i've taken with some of my family and frens at convo:

Papa and Mama :)

My sis and I

Shu Huey and Nit!! my best pals in JC!!

my classmates from maths with management science, whom we saw each other struggle thru our FYP, and lunches and dines together :P

me and dear, all thanks to dear for being my photographer, and personal assistant today. i promise to repay u the favour on ur big day! hee..

sec sch mates! been thru such a lot rite? all the best for ur future endeavours!

finally, yun with a graduation bear she koped from our dear little angel, think the bear suits her more than i do. fatty pooh more like me? hahaha..
thank u all for helping me in one way or another during my course of study! :)
today met up with someone i would call an aquaintance before this. after today, i would list her into my dwindling list of real frens, let's call her C.
it's kinda funny cos i actually knew her thru this gal whom i mentioned in the blog a few wks ago abt she pushing my limit too far. and the surprising thing is that now i know more about C than that BUSY gal. apparently, C also mentioned that the BUSY gal always say she's busy, and quite "secretive" in the things she do. i really wonder what she has to hide from. apparently, i think she has no one (ex-classmates in NUS) who kept in contact with liao.
C is the only gal who can meet up with me nowadays on a wkday afternoon. haha.. cos she just quitted her job and now searching for another job. really had a great time catching up with her this afternoon. her views on worklife, the job market, and what i'll be facing in 2 weeks time. can u believe it? that i'm starting teaching in 2 wks time!!! anyway, i came across a fren's fren's gf's blog where she was blogging abt her attachment in sch. hope that's wat i'm gonna face in time to come.
and then today is Mango's 2nd reduction, and i paid Mango a visit again. now i got a problem. i can't decide on which bag i want for myself!! (cos me and dear bought 5 bags in total, 4 different colors, for our frens as bday present, and 1 for myself, but i haven't really decided on the color.) pastel pink(my fave color!!), light khaki(quite nice, cos got pink threadings), black(normal, but not easy to dirty), pastel green(the prettiest i shd say, but v hard to match tho)? and i bought another 2 tops today.. die liao, always spend so much $$ haha..
i love shopping, but i need to save up to payback my bank loan!!! sigh..
found something from a bargain bin, from some bargain bin i normally won't touch. the men's shirt bargain bin.. by G2000.
and i did something brave. i bought a men's shirt from it. not that it's very embarrassing to buy a men's shirt. but i did it and felt like i'm taking a risk cos i'm scared my dear will not like the colour. this is the only piece left.
me consulted the auntie at the bargain bin and ask if got pink colour, cos i know dear been wanting to look shuai shuai in a pink colour shirt. but auntie says yest sold out liao.. i was like, so sad, cos i was there yest, only didn't walk past that part.. sad sad..
but well, i bought a green shirt instead. not too bad, think dear will look nice in it.. sorry the shirt doesn't look nice in the picture, cos too crumpled. but after a wash and some ironing, it'll loook shuai shuai.. i guarantee..

today's dearie's bday..
went over to cook kangkong for him at his house, brought a sweet secrets cake over..
silly dear was so sweet today.. must be becos i got a nice cake that he wanted to eat straight after lunch.
dearie lent me his bed to sleep this afternoon.. almost felt like the princess in "princess and the pea", haha.. no, not that i can't fall asleep, just felt so loved and like sleeping on top of many many mattresses, cos the feeling is so magical, so comfortable.
i really felt like a little princess this whole day, although it's not my bday. i feel dear's love extremely strong today, maybe cos we only haf a few more days together before he goes reservist.. must cherish all the little time we have before 10th jul.
i realised i haven't been sleeping on dearie's arms nowadays on the bus, cos i feel that the time we have together is so scarce nowadays.. yun will stay awake for the time we're together. yun will try very hard.
i love u dear.. this whole blog dedicated to u.
i wanna spin around and around,
on the tip of my toes,
in a pink little tutu and a pair of ballet shoes.
i wanna be as graceful as the swan,
who glides softly on the water,
picks up all gazes from the audience,
builds up envy in the people,
and provides inspiration to all.
i wanna fly up into the sky,
pick the shining star and make it mine.
but im just a plain girl,
who fails even to fit into a tutu,
and has ugly big feet and fat body,
who can't soar high into the sky.
when will i get my shining star?
when will i deserve all the attention from the audience?
i need my pair of dancing shoes,
i need my little magical dancing shoes..