Tuesday, July 05, 2005

~Happy Birthday Dear~~

today's dearie's bday..

went over to cook kangkong for him at his house, brought a sweet secrets cake over..
silly dear was so sweet today.. must be becos i got a nice cake that he wanted to eat straight after lunch.

dearie lent me his bed to sleep this afternoon.. almost felt like the princess in "princess and the pea", haha.. no, not that i can't fall asleep, just felt so loved and like sleeping on top of many many mattresses, cos the feeling is so magical, so comfortable.

i really felt like a little princess this whole day, although it's not my bday. i feel dear's love extremely strong today, maybe cos we only haf a few more days together before he goes reservist.. must cherish all the little time we have before 10th jul.

i realised i haven't been sleeping on dearie's arms nowadays on the bus, cos i feel that the time we have together is so scarce nowadays.. yun will stay awake for the time we're together. yun will try very hard.

i love u dear.. this whole blog dedicated to u.



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