Saturday, July 09, 2005
I've finally graduated. believe it or not, love it or not. hmm.. 4 yrs seems so long yet so short. frankly speaking, i'm really glad to have found some new frens during my final yr of study.
of cos there are some misses and disappointments, but today is a day of celebration!! hee.. actually didn't really celebrate much. unless u count sharing a whole tub of 750ml ice-cream with dear a celebration? as u all know, i'm such a sucker for ice-creams and chocolate-flavoured ones are simply irresistable!
the moment on stage was short, and i felt that today went past so fast, as though i have yet done anything. prior to this, i felt that it was my big day, as everyone else put it. but everything simply flew by and here i was staring at the photos taken today. sighz.. old liao, i've graduated from NUS, only to step into the working world. no freedom.. not fun.. not looking fwd to it. but well, i have no choice right?
i hope things won't fly by so quickly on my wedding day too.. i want to enjoy the moment, every part of it. i want to be the only one pple's gaze will fall on, not like today where everyone is in their convo gown.. haha.. well, wedding will have to wait, at least till my ah boy gets his shot at his commencement.
ok, so here are some of the photos i've taken with some of my family and frens at convo:

Papa and Mama :)

My sis and I

Shu Huey and Nit!! my best pals in JC!!

my classmates from maths with management science, whom we saw each other struggle thru our FYP, and lunches and dines together :P

me and dear, all thanks to dear for being my photographer, and personal assistant today. i promise to repay u the favour on ur big day! hee..

sec sch mates! been thru such a lot rite? all the best for ur future endeavours!

finally, yun with a graduation bear she koped from our dear little angel, think the bear suits her more than i do. fatty pooh more like me? hahaha..
thank u all for helping me in one way or another during my course of study! :)