Thursday, May 12, 2005

~yun's quick and easy recipe 1~

fried kangkong

  1. kangkong (1 pack from supermkt or wet mkt)
  2. chilli prawn paste (get from ntuc supermkt section where they sell noodles, fishcake, cheese etc)
  3. oil


  1. pluck the kangkong into portions of around 2 inches long
  2. wash it by rinsing it thoroughly with water around 3 times (like washing rice like dat)
  3. drain it and put aside
  4. heat up some oil (around 1 tablespoonful for non-stick wok)
  5. put 1 and 1/2 tablespoonful of prawn paste when the oil is heated
  6. fry the prawn paste till fragant and sizzling and bubbling (make sure it's not burnt by stirring it continuously)(use medium flame for better control)
  7. dump in the kangkong and fry till the kangkong softens and shrinks into a plate's worth(of cos depends on ur definition of plate.. hee.. ) (make sure it dun turn ugly green-- fry too long)
  8. then it's done!

seems like a lot of steps but it's actually quite fast.. so pls work quick.. medium flame shd be easier to control (just like driving, need to moderate the speed). and just like driving, cooking needs practise.. so 1st timers, dun worry, u'll perfect it soon. just try a few times..

the above recipe is specially dedicated to paw, cos she wanted to cook her bf's fav dish for him.. try once or twice on ur family b4 u show ur perfect dish to him!!

well, of cos, anything u cook, i'm sure he'll love it v much.

next up, wanton soup to complete a 2 persons meal!


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