Friday, December 24, 2004

~X'mas eve~

Merry x'mas to everyone out there.. it's abt 40 min to 25th Dec, X'mas.. just came back from a wonderful and romantic nite out with my silly dear.. erm.. not so romantic but simply wonderful i should say...

of cos, i'm always the clown, trying to cheer dear up.. i bought a bottle of bubbly liquid.. tried to blow bubbles, but end up being a klutz, getting all the soapy water on my face.. hee.. dear is a better bubble blower.. big ones, small ones, bright and colourful in the dark night..

then we also had sparklers which we almost gave up lighting it up because of the big big wind.. but well, we succeed finally and the feeling was great! i guess when u tried so hard for it to work, and it finally worked, the feeling was simply "shuang~~".. and we can sing F4's "ling xing yu" haha..

today we did silly things, but had so much fun doing those silly things.. things that we seldom get to do when we were young. wow, i sound like i'm pretty old.. am i? i'm still act cute yun!! haha..


p/s: downstairs singing "jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way!"


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