Tuesday, November 30, 2004

~Exams are OVer~

no leh, i dun feel as much excitement as before. no urge to ask my frens to shop with me, pig it out.. haiz.. in fact i'm still going back to sch tml.. not that i mind. but i dunno why this time, the after exams-syndrome is not in place.

Probably bogged down by my loooooong to- do list bah... grr...


  1. Lose weight -- everyone knows i've gained weight, not on the weighing scale, but on prominant areas on my body. yucks!! i hate being fat, especially when my bf is so skinny, *envy* counting back, i think i barely exercised for more than 4 months!! that's horrible!! Jogging, Swimming.. how i miss them, think i won't be able to keep up to myself.. haiz..
  2. Meet up with all the frens i've not met for so long.. Mel and MEilin, Huey, PF, Ling, Nit and everyone else i miss... but doubt i've the time and effort.. i'm just too lazy to make the effort to jus sms them, arrange timing.. argh!! that's me!
  3. Learn LaTex.. haha.. like learn driving like dat, no lah, it's so boring and pointless to stare at the computer screen for scuh a long time!! argh!! crazy~
  4. HOnours project.. i guess this is the most pressing (or rather suppressing) problem that turned me off for the holidays.. still have to grind my brain juices for it. any idea how the probability distribution will be optimised for wireless sensors?? who cares? somehow, i just feel like i'm just a follower, someone who can follow instructions v well, up to the point of being too mechanical. yet, i'm not a leader, an inventor, one with strong personal opinions. i guess i'm easily swayed by external influences. well, that's yun yun for u.
  5. Pack my room, clean up, throw away old stuff.. i hate it when the house gets older, person gets older, things pile up and somehow, u just can't bear to throw things away. the case for the things in my house. it looks like a karang guni madness.. it's true!!

[not-so-important- to-dos]

gimme strength to carry on.. and gimme luck to get slim. i need to get in shape. *gals~~~*

today was playing with this site, check this out.

which one u think looks like me? created 2 on my own and 1 by dear.

and which one looks more like dear? cannot say which one better looking, which one more realistic?? hee..


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