Friday, October 01, 2004
been waking up everyday at 5 plus to go to sch early to study.. or trying to (both the study part and the going to school part).. yupz, the stupid midterms are coming.. imagine 4 midterms within 2 wks!! sighz..
things to look forward to:
- last episode of "burning flame 2" on coming mon 1045pm-- i watched it once before but it's so nice i'm watching it 2nd time on tv.. but vvv irritating, channel u changed time slot to every mon nite when the story ending soon, why dun they just get it over? not a nice show meh? why nobody watch?? really frustrating.. "burning flame 2" is part of the memory of staying in PGP.. stay alone in the room, not doing hmwk, just watching my drama serials.. sobbed ALONE during the touching parts, smiled ALONE during the cutie yaoyao parts. actually i didn't really mind.. but now everyone agrees with me that it's a fantastic show! hee..
- Movies after my midterms!! "Ladder 49" by john travolta similar genre as "burning flame 2", i think, less the cute little gal..
and dear was talking about "wimbledon" by kirsten dunst..
hmm.. yup, sounds quite gd as well.. hee.. haiz... deprived yun.. desperately need some retail therapy, a movie marathon and KTVs (!!!) to get me back to life.. soon, soon...
in the meantime, to everyone who's studying: "good luck in the coming midterms!" and to those who're working: "it's Friday!! be glad u all haf the wkend to enjoy! Enjoy the Wkend!" and to those who're young or young-at-heart: "HaPPy ChiLdren's Day!!" everyone take care! dunno when i'll have the feeling to blog again.. yawnz.. going to bath and go sch le..
p/s: jia you dear! fight the programming monster tomorrow!! i am going to battle with MAthematical ProGramMing as well! wish me luck! Love ya!