Sunday, October 17, 2004

~101 ways to see if ur guy loves u~

recently i've been treated more and more like a child.. suddenly ppl worry abt me not having lunch, suddenly i'm allocated a lunch partner, suddenly i need to report my whereabouts, suddenly i need permission to go anywhere..

hmm.. but i dun mind all the attention, it's a change from all the apathy i face at home, and with frens sometimes.. hmm.. and suddenly i'm given treats like this :

hee.. v cute, but can't replace the doggie i lost last month.. sighz.. luckily my doggie computer programmer is always with me.. tho he's so unfree this wkend, i din get to see him these 2 days.. fighting the programming monster he said.. hope he dun grow skinnier and skinnier.. his fight is almost over.. for now though.. jia you!!

and here's the family portrait:


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