Thursday, December 02, 2004

~Science Library Cleaning Auntie~

During the exam period, the library was perpetually my second home. as both dear and i were early-risers, we would always either take the bus or my dad's car and reach school by 8am. and then we would head up to the library and begin our studying..

every morning, we see this cute little science library cleaning auntie.. erm.. shall i call her ah ma instead? cleaner ah ma is a v friendly ah ma, who smiles at u in the morning, and diligently does her job, without any complaints. she wears a pair of spects, and her crisp blue cleaning uniform, goes around level 6 of the science library, cleaning all the tables of rubber shavings, or clearing the rubbish bin. either that, or she'll whip out the vacumm cleaner and start vacumming the whole floor.. when i go for my toilet break during lunch, i see cleaning ah ma sitting outside the toilet, in a makeshift little chair made from the spoilt library chair. only recently did i notice that she picks out the paper from the litter bags she collected and put them in a box. poor little ah ma, picks up the paper, and keeps them in the box to be sold to the paper-recycler, to add on to her meagre earnings.

her acts made me wonder, "where are her children?" "why does she need to work at such an old age?"

suddenly, my heart goes out to her. after seeing her still having to work so much for a living at such an old age.. would u let ur ah ma work at such an old age? when u shd be the one supporting them? of cos, we can't rule out the fact that she might not be married or might not have children, but the society we live in is actually not as rosy as we think it is. not that i'm advocating to donate more to the charities, but i think more needs to be done, instead of just soliciting for donations. recently, with the rise in no. of charity shows, i seem to lose hope in the media.they seem to be spending more money then collecting more money, their aim to do a charity show is actually to gain more exposure, show ppl how determined which or which artiste is, but i feel that it's not the best way to help the needy in our society. maybe to a certain extent, yes, but certainly, u would agree with me that we can haf better ways, to haf a more direct impact on the needy. and why should the tv station publicise on the artiste who goes to some old folks home or children's home for that one day? wat about the rest of the time? suppose they are not working in the media industry, u think they would do volunteer work?

hmm.. sorry, i'm being a bit to extreme here *extreme face* but anyway, just my thots, my ramblings.. i love cleaner ah ma, and i swear i will try my best to clear my own rubber shavings from the table, and keep my rough paper till i bring them to lib to throw for her.


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