Sunday, May 09, 2004

~email by Es~

today i saw something which make me think deeply... i was on bus 851 with shiyun gg chinatown to sing ktv.. at this busstop an elderly man board the bus, carrying many many plastic bags with him.. and he sat just behind the bus driver.. i notice him becos of the way he struggle up the bus..

after a while.. a stench start to emit and apread around the bus... the pungent smell was unmistakeable.. it was human waste.. many people have notice too and i was looking ard and many other people will reacting to it too.. i guess that there was something that the old man brought up the bus.. cos he was the last to board..

me and shiyun shifted to the back as it was a bendy bus.. with 2 carriages.. and many people follow suit too.. in the end the truth was that the old man had shitted in his pants.. i guess he probably had some illness and he was unable to contain it.. in fact as many people shifted to the back he even change seats and dirtied other seats too.. the bus driver drove him off the bus.. and took newspaper to put on the infected seats.. a 50 odd old man sitting beside me was chucking with amusement.. and i had to return a polite smile..

2 points to ponder...
1)was the bus driver justified in sending the poor old man off?
2)was the incident funny?

i personally think it was a tough decision to make.. abt point 1... for the sake of other passengers there was a need to chase him off the bus.. but the poor old man was not entirely at fault.. he wasnt able to control it.. but maybe yes.. he shld have stayed at just one seat... but i still think the bus driver shld have talk nicely to him.. and not shout at him..

obviously the incident was not funny.. i dun know why.. but fellow friends.. i am sure u all will agree that if i was in sec 2, at the peak of my evilness.. i would have laugh at him non stop... but i dun know but i din find the incident funny at all.. maybe i have grown up.. but i really think most6 of the credit shld go to the book "tuesday with morrie".. its a wonderful book.. think abt it.. everyone will go thru such a deterioration of body.. unless u die at the peak of ur health that is...

we really shld treasure what we have, cos we dun know when we will lose it.. money is impt but not essential.. think abt it.. the money u earn ur whole lifetime cant be brought into the grave.. value ur friends, family and beliefs.. they are priceless.. another way to think abt money.. imagine u working all ur life and u reach ur peak and u retire.. after u retire u spend back all ur money in ur later life in hospital fees doing one operation after another and ur money in the bank goes to zero.. haha.. everything is a cycle.. u come to the world a helpess baby, u leave the world as an old man, but one thing is the same.. u are helpless.. u are most prob unable to do a simple thing like wiping ur backside.. u come here with no money and u will leave peniless too.. so what matters is the intangible things that u will bring with u when u die.. what have u achieve this lifetime? think abt it for a few minutes..

es, always seeking to live life to the fullest


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