Friday, April 23, 2004

~email to friends~

dear friends,

i once heard this story before on music diary... a teacher asks her primary
school students what is the most important thing in life.. one answered,"
money!".. another answered,"fame"... "power" shouted another... "TOYS!"
someone shouted from the back of the classroom... there was this gal sitting
quietly at the corner of the class, deep in thought.. the teacher in
curiosity asked her,"amelia.. what do you think?"... the little gal thought
for a while then answered in a doubtful voice," er... friends?".. well
sometimes there is no need to think so much about a certain thing.. because
the answer is often the most obvious one.. the little gal knew from young
that friends are important..

when you do well for ur exams, always remember the friends who taught you
how to solve the difficult problems or send u a "jia you" sms when u are
feeling down and bored..

when you win a championship, always remember the friends who were there when
u fail or fall..

when you win the heart of a gal/guy that you like, always remember the
friends who were there as a listening ear when u fail previously.. or lend u
a shoulder when u cried..

always remember to look back and see who have helped you come this way.. the
end trophy may be important but the process is precious too.. without the
journey, there will be no finishing line..

suddenly feel like writing such an email after a talk with a friend.. life
is short and i hope all of you will treasure ur friends as well..

if u are reading this email now, it means that i treasure you as a friend..
cos i dun send it to any cat and dog.. well for those who delete this
without reading it.. hmm maybe i have seen wrongly.. but i hope i didnt..
pls dun go scholl through my mailing list to find out who are my friends.. i
mail in groups lor..

lastly i would like to thank SY and of cos all the friends which means
everyone of u all for helping me thru sometime or another during this 21


recently been quite deprived of inspiration... can't really think of wat to blog... shag after a swim, but well, at least there's this email written by my dear to fill it up... hee...


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