Sunday, April 18, 2004

~tired but happy~

it's been such a long time since i blogged... partly cos i realised i got my sis as ardent fans of my blog -- not supposed to let her know. but well, can't be help cos she has found out... and cos these few days been going to sch to study... imagine going to sch on sun to study? am i crazy or wat?

but i must admit i can't study properly at home, 1stly cos i'm sharing a table with my computer... 2ndly, cos i'll miss someone so much and he'll feel the same as well... been rather productive to study in sch, together with the company of peifang and sh... thanx gals! and not to forget dear who's always there to accompany me thru bus journeys and walks...

no, i'm not tired of walking Dover or back home, dear, i simply enjoy the times we spend together... walks are always so interesting, with u looking out for me always, holding my hand so tightly like a little gal's, laughing at my silly entics, u singing to me (that irritating song! argh!!)...

time simply flies when i'm with u, like today and everyday... soon we're approaching 1 mth... can u believe it? it's not even one mth yet? ha ha... but well, i'm enjoying every moment of this 26 days with u, dear... sometimes i might seem cold, but i am actually just trying to soak in the warmth, the love, the care that u shower on me... dear, i love it when i rest my head on ur shoulder, i love it when u rest ur head on mine, i love it when u stare at me lovingly, i love it when u wipe away my tears and comfort me when i'm feeling down... i love every single moment i spend with u, and i know u hope we can spend a lifetime together, me too...

i just don't understand why i'll expose my vulnerable side to u, cos not a lot of ppl has seen it. all along, the strong front i've built up, it's crumbling... with assurance from u, i know u'll protect me and never hurt me... i hope i'll not hurt u with my switching between warmth and cold cos i dun want things to get "overheated" sometimes... hee... dear, thanx for being so understanding... is this the reassurance u need? if u want me to be "warmer", tell me? ha ha...

btw, i've attempted 1 past yr paper for tml's paper, dun worry, i'm coping fine (for tml's paper only, ha ha...) prepare to see me cry on wed... the killer paper... *sobs* good luck for the rest of the papers.. to all who're reading this, and to those who've finished their exams, good time for some fun! and gd luck to sh for tml's last 2 papers! and to my NTU frens, press on, it's already the last leg of the race... :)


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