Saturday, March 06, 2004

~O's and A's~

this yr, i feel like i'm getting lotsa results... remember last yr i've got 3 tuition kids? i've gotten my results!! ha ha...

Kelvin did much much better than his prelims, i'm soo happy for him... he got B4 for A maths (from an F9!) and B3 for E maths... best of all, he called me from Melbourne to tell me his results! i'm super touched... Evelyn is his elder sis, got A in her Maths C yesterday... tho she din do well in her other 2 subjects, she's still estatic... i am too :)

my other tuition kid getting her A's result, din tell me her grade, she msg me 2 words: " Not good." i was rather shocked. i dunno how badly she did, i felt so bad now for even asking her about it... oh well, hope she gets over it soon..

yesterday, dropped by sim lim to visit my tuition kids' mum's shop. and she was so happy to see me :) i'm glad to talk to her yesterday too... she told me i "fa fu le" :( *sobs* i think i really need to work out more after next wk, after all my tests... haiz...

recently, my lappie is irritatingly slow, virus infected i think, or the hard disk gonna crash soon... anyway, i haven't been able to blog much nowadays then... haiz... hope it gets me more into the "Study" mode...


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