Thursday, March 25, 2004

~dear dear is a shy boy~

had lunch with dear yesterday... was supposed to be with the sec 2 gang, but they "siam" at 1 pm... hmm... made me so pai seh... dear also very shy, blushing so much... hee... and they teased him like crazy when i left for lecture... poor thing, but u gotta suffer cos u teased others so much leh.. hee...

die liao, i'm madly in love... i'm feel so loved as well... dear remembers so much abt me...

we're gonna be dead meat soon... ha ha... spend too much time thinking abt each other... dear can't concentrate on studying his mid term for sat... jia you dear!!

hmm... listening to his cd now, jiang mei qi's "beautiful but lonely". he said, u no longer need it to comfort urself... he too... we can now listen to happier songs... :)

ok, i better go hit my books, else he'll feel so guilty...


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