yes, the mother rabbit gave birth again.. this time 2! argh!! stupid father..
counting back, the mother got pregnant within wk of her 1st birth!! can't believe it.. like mother pig hor?? haha..
can't believe it.. any bookings for this 2 new born? if not, i'll give it to the pet shop already.. and dunno who'll be the new owners.. poor little ones.. i'm gonna sterilise the stupid father already..
not that i'm suffering from K-fever, but recently quite obsessed with Kim Sam Soon.. maybe cos i can identify with her efforts to lose weight.. haha.. haiz.. trying hard to lose some more weight..
talking abt K dramas and movies, do u all know that some of the chinese songs are K-drama/ movie songs? i'll be listing some of them below, some of them may be of a surprise to u ;)
- the most famous movie song will be "My Sassy Girl's" song, I believe. Chinese song also under the same name, sung by Fan Yi Cheng.. Nice, touching, a touch of melancholy..
- the most famous drama song will be "Winter Sonata's" song, but i'm not so sure of the song title (both Korean and Chinese one), but i know the Chinese song is sung by Jeff Chang (yucks!). not a great fan of Jeff Chang, but i feel the song is quite nice, and reminds u of the love story between the male and female lead.. although Bae Yong Jun is not my type.. :P
- Most recently, the "My Lovely Sam Soon" song, called Inside my Heart is indeed quite touching.. the Korean version is quite boring, the Chinese version is sung by Fan Wei Qi under the same name as well. I personally feel that the Chinese version is better because there's a larger range of feelings expressed by Fan Fan.
- Do you all remember this movie called "Windstruck"? I think the male lead is Jang Hyuk (quite cute) and the "My Sassy Girl"'s female protoganist as the lead actress, feels the same as "My Sassy Girl", and the song is sang by Luo Zhi Xiang, called Hui1 Se4 Kong1 Jian1, quite nice, the Chinese Song, but abit boring after awhile, and i didn't really catch the Korean Song to compare..
- Next up is "The Classic", my dear's favourite movie.. by chance, while studying in the early wee hours of the morning, i heard the Chinese song on radio. because there's nobody on the radio to tell us the title and the singer of the song, we took some effort and finally found out that Fan Yi Cheng sang the chinese version of the song, named "Ai4 Tai4 Yao2 Yuan3". very catchy tune, but not very cheerful lyrics, as we can expect from the title itself..
the above are those that i can recall.. maybe u have other contributions?
i do know of some Chinese songs which are initially Korean songs translated to Chinese Songs:
- Xu Jie Er -- "Mei1 You3 Ni3 De4 Mei3 Yi4 Tian1"
- eVonne Hsu -- "Ai4 Qing2 Kang4 Ti3"
and i love the 2 songs above!! :) and the korean version mtv of the 1st song is very touching!!
any other contributions?
Have u ever known a person for less than a week and hate her to the core?? i thought i'll be quite amicable and won't ever experience this but..
i simply hate a person after knowing her for only less than a week u know! at 1st i'm quite understanding, trying to justify her actions, but after awhile, i simply give up.. ok, so the story goes..
this fellow person whom i contacted to car pool to the journey to the west, let's call her E. at 1st i felt that she's just enthusiastic and wants car pool to school with this driver, female, S. then subsequently, since S has got some timing which doesn't fit, E found another driver A (which she needs to take mrt to 2 stops away to get picked up). then sometimes, A and S also cannot fit, so she targetted my ex-colleague M, who is not v interested in anyone cat or dog to go on his car (what i felt lah, not he told me one), who lombang me to sch some days.
and then that's the mistake.. i gave her the contact of M and then i felt that i'm doing something wrong.. i mean it's not like he'll say he minded ppl taking his car (they pay him $3/ trip oso mah).. and then it'll seem selfish to say i dun wan to give u a ride when it's along the way. anyway, nothing wrong with that actually..
wat i hate is that she tries too hard!! in getting car pool that i think she is spoilt.. (can't say she's a spoilt brat, cos she abit auntie auntie with a kid) she just refuses to go to school or go home on public transport!! to an extent she's willing to wait 2 hrs for her car pooler so that she can take the public transport! (i mean u could've reached home within 1 n a half hour!!)
and the way she feels for me is like, why aren't u actively seeking for a driver to car pool u? she helps me with my schedule, suggesting ppl to me, which i dun think it's necessary.. i mean, i'm like, if there's someone to drive me back, gd, if not, nvm.. as long as i've got most of my going-to-school trips covered, it's fine.. even if u ask me to take public transport, it's fine! i'd take car pooling as sorta a plus point, not a necessity..
ah well, it's just a difference in priority and view, and i really do not understand that kind of stupid mentality.. and i feel so sorry for getting my friend into the mess.. grr.. i'm thinking of seeking alternative routes to school, without carpooling!
Lessons at NIE are a bit boring.. to think that i have to study for things i've already learnt on the job?? haha.. but the experience given to me was useful. was given an assignment this morning. pairwork, and i think i can well manage at least half of it! with the handouts i got from courses i attended when i was in my contract school.. :)
had a 3 hour break in between lessons. Had lunch with a couple of classmates and headed for the computer lab to do printouts. hmm.. with an hour left before my last lesson of the day, i gave my civics tutor in JC a call. he's now a lecturer in NIE!! Dr Manu! so glad to be able to see him again.. so i went for a cup of coffee with him, shared experiences and about the progress of our dear class people. and i'm sure he'll be so proud all ur achievements!!
i remembered the motivating talks he gave me, the way he believed in me, made me more confident in life. he was an inspiration, with his achievements at such young age. seen so much of life, with so much to share. how i remember the young days of us hanging out at sentosa (and he lost his ring in the sea), and the days when we had our maths lesson in the canteen, over a glass of iced milo.. hee... those were the days..
so when are we meeting up?? my dear bruders and sistas??
My lessons at NIE has started from this week. last wk was filled with briefing after briefing, talks after talks.. and of cos, busy with my babies..
all along i think i'm a person who takes a longer time to warm up to others. and whenever i'm pushed into a new environment, it starts all over again.. i need at least 3 wks to warm up to ppl whom i work with.. just like the last time when i was in my contract sch..
so nowadays, i'm an antisocial person. nobody to sit with during lectures, nobody to talk to (Actually made 1 or 2 acquaintances, but i dun have at least 1 friend in each class). i feel quite demoralised with this. and the more lonely i feel, the more i feel like escaping into my own world. it's funny how a teacher-to-be always have this kind of moments.. i think i'll be better in time to come, but this character of mine is a bane to my profession.. well, this also comes with experience. but with my 24 years of life, i havent improved in this aspect. u know how frens are impt esp when u do not know anybody there now??
on a happier note, my babies are now white! their fur have grown and especially the biggest baby looks like a mini rabbit.. their eyes are not open yet though. should be expecting it these few days.