Next Fri is "端午节"! to commemorate this poet called “屈原” who's been sabotaged by villians and jumped into the river to commit suicide. in order to save his remains from getting eaten up by fishes, the villagers came up with rice dumplings to throw them into the river to feed the fishes.
well, every year after i grow up (maybe after 7 yrs old), this traditional chinese "celebration" has been ignored most of the time by me except i know its presence whenever my maternal grandma would come up with many many yummy rice dumplings for all of us.. think of the oozing fatty meat (i used to like, but nowadays i am health conscious), the big juicy mushrooms, the crispy, flavourful dried prawns and not to forget the chinese chestnuts!
my mum is still missing granny after 2 years of my granny's death. i miss my grandma too, her wonderful hakka dishes, her patience when taking care of me, her cheerful, never-say-die personality. it's a pity she passed away without having the chance to enjoy life.. slogging her way thru'out, looking aft her grand-daughters and grandsons.
that's why mum made the 1st attempt to come up with dumplings! i tried to help with the wrapping and tying but failed badly. well, not so badly actually, cos the last 2 was still quite alrite. although the dumplings were not as delicious as my granny's, but they stir up the memories of our dear old granny. i would recall seeing my granny make the dumplings when i was little, and wait longingly to gobble down the yummy riceball. i would eat them for every lunch, till the dumplings run out.. those were the days..
"端午节" is another time i would reminisce the time spent will dear old granny. miss u lots, 婆婆..
How long has it been since I held you near?
How long will it be till I have you right here?
You say that it hurts I can't disagree.
But how can I hold on to someone who's leaving me?
And mary says she's gonna be OK.
She tells me things are getting busier these days.
And mary says she's gonna be alright.
You know how much I need her in my life.
Goodbye yesterday, I see my dreams walking away.
And mary looks like she did before.
Except she don't love me, she don't love me anymore.
I could shake your hand or I could kiss you goodbye.
But I just might break down looking in your brown eyes.
So what happens next do I listen to my mind or heart?
I don't know where to start feeling alright again ... ...
And mary says she's gonna be OK.
She tells me things are getting busier these days.
And mary says she's gonna be alright.
You know how much I need her in my life.
Goodbye yesterday, I see my dreams walking away.
And mary looks like she did before.
Except she don't love me.
And mary says she's gonna be OK
She tells me things will be much easier someday
And mary says she's gonna be alright
You know how much I'm missing her deep inside
And mary says she's gonna be OK
she's gonna be alright
she's gonna be alright
not that i am feeling what the lyrics are describing, but this song sang by Wang Lee Hom to the tune of "liu1 lei4 shou3 xin1" is rather touching and sad right? i'm also feeling rather down, not because of my r/s, but other things which i do not wish to talk about.
Today I met a great new friend
Who knew me right away
It was funny how she understood
All I had to say
She listened to my problems
She listened to my dreams
We talked about love and life
She'd been there, too, it seems
I never once felt judged by her
She knew just how I felt
She seemed to just accept me
And all the problems I'd been dealt
She didn't interrupt me
Or need to have her say
She just listened very patiently
And didn't go away
I wanted her to understand
How much this meant to me
But as I went to hug her
Something startled me
I put my arms in front of me
And went to pull her nearer
And realized that my new best friend
Was nothing but a mirror.
been swimming three times a week to lose the extra pack of rice ( i mean the wt that i gained throughout the months) from my body. horrible rite?? i guess im too greedy and lazy. dearie says that swimming shapes ur body, but running makes u lose ur fats, so i need to jog to lose wt instead?? but i simply prefers swimming than running, so how??
the students got back their results. badly done.. most of them.. comparing with other classes, still equally bad. dunno whether cos im the lousy teacher in their life?? sad sad.. they're still asking me when im going away. like they dun wan me to stay and harm them any further. some other students are quite nice though. they will be saying things like, " how do i study with a change of teacher AGAIN?" some of them are really sweet, and can be quite concern about me.. i have this class who asked me why my pimples suddenly popping so much, issit cos of them?? (which i think is the case, LOL) and they'll tell me this and that about how to handle the pimples, they'll comment that my complexion getting better when it gets better.. but well, i think their concern is because they want to waste time so they dun need to do work..
next wk is the last wk of sch. but work doesnt end then.. it'll end aft the 1st wk of the holidays.. i hope i do not get posted back to the same sch again. not that i hate my colleagues and students, but i hate the amount of work i have to handle sometimes. i might miss my students though sometimes they're a pain in the neck. i might miss my colleagues, after going through ups and downs with them.
went to another beauty salon to do facial and the effect is unbelieveable. though my face still abit pimplish, but it is drastically better than the last time.. im gonna dump adonis.
gonna be away for HK from 14th june - 19th june. hope i'll have a gd time. though im seriously having doubts already. nvm, luckily it's just HK, i can manage on my own. just like how im doing in SGP.
other things to say on the next blog..
Went watch MI 3 on Vesak Day! Shuai!! Tom Cruise is cool!!
all the action-packed sequence will make u stay at the edge of your seat. so exciting my heart almost jumped out of my mouth!! LOL.. you can go watch the exciting action-packed sequences on the MI 3 website here.
remembered the last time i watched MI-2 was with my jc classmates plus our civics tutor at orchard! we just got our A level results and were out to celebrate!! those were the days..
i should say that MI 3 should be the best among the 3 MI i've watched. as i've said, cos "all the action-packed sequence will make u stay at the edge of your seat." try to catch it if u have time ;)

places to go to in HK:
- Macau -- Gonna buy almond biscuits and lao po bing!! yummy!!
- Disneyland -- since we're there, why not go? so that we can compare it with Tokyo's when we go japan later on!
- Shopping!! -- of course we can't miss it out, since it's the bankrupt- also-must-do-thing! causeway bay, tshim tsha zhui, etc.. exciting!!
- Victoria peak -- at night the view should be quite impressive?? maybe we shall visit it at night??
hee.. you must've thought i've already booked the tic to fly away.. but nope, i have yet to get my tic booked.. oops.. but will get it done by the coming wk i hope
Spent my whole long wkend trying to finish marking all the MYE papers. almost done with it.

Learning will never stop just like my passion will never die.
can you believe i said the above last year?? do i still feel the same? do i know what i'm getting myself into? will my passion die?
LAst week, my feeling was like the clouds in the sky u see below:

Been eating and drinking and eating and drinking too much (not drinking as in alcoholic, but literally drinking water. haha..) fatter and fatter.. finally im free!! since the beginning of this week. but then been so busy meeting up with and going out with colleagues that i haven't been exercising.
Yesterday went ktving aft school with my colleagues, had fun singing, making noise.. got a $10 off party world voucher, who wants to go singing again? yoo hoo..
today went out for swensen's lunch which my HOD treated us. she's so nice.. haha.. im not saying it becos she treated us. and then we wanted to have a farewell dinner with the practicum teachers, yet, felt so gluttony to have 2 good meals in a row, so we just went back home to rest..
Think i will look like my la-bits soon.. fatter and fatter..

tommorrow will be starting on my exercise regime i hope. its gonna be packed within my timetable i hope. gotta lose all the fats to fit into my older clothes nicely. i hope for more allowances at the waist so that i won't feel like i cannot breathe everytime i have my clothes on. LOL..
counting the days i have in this school before i go into NIE, i think i only have at most 2 n 1/2 months left, including the holidays. felt quite sad.. i've built a huge pile of papers and unwanted worksheets at my desk, with files of notes, meeting notes, stationary etc. to clear them will take me forever. sighz..
furthermore, i've started to build friendships with my colleagues and some of my students. i know that watever lousy experience u had in class, like when u scream urself hoarse at the talkative students and can't win them over tho, i still can go back into the staffroom to find support and a listening ear. no matter how frustrated, how happy, how depressed i m, i have my colleagues who can identify with me, teach me how to deal with these things later on. i've learnt alot from this close-to- 1 year stint in the secondary school. had a fair share of fun and woe, but it enriches me and i do hope it'll make me more mature. it is indeed an eye opening experience for me.
will try to go out more with my colleagues during free-er days like thse few days. will be busy aft next wk.. but well, school holidays are coming!!! YESH!!
And do you know i spent a small part of my progress package only? on my la-bits to be exact. they got a new house, which i havent let them shift house yet. hee.. now, they're currently residing in a small little cage with wkly running sessions. see how they're enjoying themselves doing la-bit stretch? haha.. do u see the rabbit on the right is a half-lop la-bit?? i dunno wat happened to it with drooping ears on the right.