Saturday, May 27, 2006

~ 端午节~

Next Fri is "端午节"! to commemorate this poet called “屈原” who's been sabotaged by villians and jumped into the river to commit suicide. in order to save his remains from getting eaten up by fishes, the villagers came up with rice dumplings to throw them into the river to feed the fishes.

well, every year after i grow up (maybe after 7 yrs old), this traditional chinese "celebration" has been ignored most of the time by me except i know its presence whenever my maternal grandma would come up with many many yummy rice dumplings for all of us.. think of the oozing fatty meat (i used to like, but nowadays i am health conscious), the big juicy mushrooms, the crispy, flavourful dried prawns and not to forget the chinese chestnuts!

my mum is still missing granny after 2 years of my granny's death. i miss my grandma too, her wonderful hakka dishes, her patience when taking care of me, her cheerful, never-say-die personality. it's a pity she passed away without having the chance to enjoy life.. slogging her way thru'out, looking aft her grand-daughters and grandsons.

that's why mum made the 1st attempt to come up with dumplings! i tried to help with the wrapping and tying but failed badly. well, not so badly actually, cos the last 2 was still quite alrite. although the dumplings were not as delicious as my granny's, but they stir up the memories of our dear old granny. i would recall seeing my granny make the dumplings when i was little, and wait longingly to gobble down the yummy riceball. i would eat them for every lunch, till the dumplings run out.. those were the days..

"端午节" is another time i would reminisce the time spent will dear old granny. miss u lots, 婆婆..


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