Saturday, May 20, 2006

~ lose a pack of rice ~

been swimming three times a week to lose the extra pack of rice ( i mean the wt that i gained throughout the months) from my body. horrible rite?? i guess im too greedy and lazy. dearie says that swimming shapes ur body, but running makes u lose ur fats, so i need to jog to lose wt instead?? but i simply prefers swimming than running, so how??

the students got back their results. badly done.. most of them.. comparing with other classes, still equally bad. dunno whether cos im the lousy teacher in their life?? sad sad.. they're still asking me when im going away. like they dun wan me to stay and harm them any further. some other students are quite nice though. they will be saying things like, " how do i study with a change of teacher AGAIN?" some of them are really sweet, and can be quite concern about me.. i have this class who asked me why my pimples suddenly popping so much, issit cos of them?? (which i think is the case, LOL) and they'll tell me this and that about how to handle the pimples, they'll comment that my complexion getting better when it gets better.. but well, i think their concern is because they want to waste time so they dun need to do work..

next wk is the last wk of sch. but work doesnt end then.. it'll end aft the 1st wk of the holidays.. i hope i do not get posted back to the same sch again. not that i hate my colleagues and students, but i hate the amount of work i have to handle sometimes. i might miss my students though sometimes they're a pain in the neck. i might miss my colleagues, after going through ups and downs with them.

went to another beauty salon to do facial and the effect is unbelieveable. though my face still abit pimplish, but it is drastically better than the last time.. im gonna dump adonis.

gonna be away for HK from 14th june - 19th june. hope i'll have a gd time. though im seriously having doubts already. nvm, luckily it's just HK, i can manage on my own. just like how im doing in SGP.

other things to say on the next blog..


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