- i feel like going for a pee, yet, my butt is still stuck on the chair
- i feel hungry for an ice cream, but gave it up in order to complete my taks on the computer
- i had to go bath, but the day is turning dark, i'm still hot and smelly
- i miss my dear, but i can't pull myself away from the computer.
I "LOVE" microsoft words!!! bah..
hi all, so sorry i haven't been blogging for more than a week.. was on 2 separate trips during the week.. had fun, different type of fun cos i'm with different company during these few days..
14-15th May -- 2D 1N Batam trip
went on the Batam trip with my JC classmates. 3 guys and 3 gals in total. not really most of the class, but was glad and thankful this trip didn't turn out as disastrous as i thot.
set off to harbourfront early in the morning. had Mac's breakfast with dear, before he left me with my class ppl.. took a ferry to Batam. the ride was 1 hour, long and bumpy.. yun felt a bit sea-sick, luckily not bad enough to cause me to puke my hotcakes out onto the ferry.. hee.. every1 was happy and chattery, looking fwd to the sun, sea and sand!
reached Batam at around 11-12 pm.. checked into the hotel, was taken aback by having to leave a deposit for them.. no $$ to spend how?? haha.. then, we left our stuff in the room and set off to the "city" to find food...
went to a "shopping ctr" to look for food. settled for a "restaurant" called "Hawaii".it served ice-creams, indonesian food, pasta, fish and chips. we settled for those nasi goreng, goreng this goreng that.. the food there was so cheap we can't believe our eyes.. a few thousands rupiah was considered cheap.. haha.. we became instant millionaires there..
then we went round shopping.. nothing much to buy, considering the shopping ctr was quite big and extensive.. maybe cos the things there wasn't up to our expectations.. exhuasted the shopping place so quickly it was only 4pm when we decided to leave for our hotel.. oh no.. wat to do for dinner?
went back to the hotel to change and swim.. the pool was scarily deep. deepest point is 3m.. i almost drowned.. cos i wasn't good at trapping water.. lol.. anyway, had fun shooting the ball at the water polo net, tried out table-tennis beside the pool, basically just chilled out in the pool...
we gals went back to bath, while the guys went for massage.. haha.. and they "complained" that the massage was v decent.. haha.. had dinner when it was close to 9 pm at the restaurant at the hotel lobby.. was quite expensive, considering the standard of the food.. but bo bian, cos nowhere else to eat..
went to our "common" room to play dai di, snack and watch tv.. was so tired we went back to our room to sleep by 1 am.. old liao.. haha.. cannot stay up whole nite anymore..
the next morning, we went for our "long-awaited" breakfast buffet (cos it's packaged, and the food at the hotel was really quite expensive mah..) ate till we'e quite full then went stroll around the beach.. it was really low-tide so we can see lotsa shelled creatures.. those hermit crabs, snails, etc.. was an enriching ecological experience.. for us suakus.. haha.. the sea breeze was refreshing, and the sun rays was comforting.. to think we'll be checking out in a couple of hour's time.. kinda missed home at that point.. maybe cos the nite at the hotel, i didn't really sleep well?
anyway, everyone was exhuasted on our way back, napped on the ferry a bit and was wondering why haven't we turned into the singapore ferry terminal when we saw our beloved CBD, and sentosa? after what seems like an eternity, we reached singapore.. back to singapore, our safe and sound country.. boy aren't i glad.. my papa picked me up at harbourfront and we went to grab a bite.. was quite hungry from all the shaking, and rumbling of the ferry at 3pm in the afternoon..
on the whole, really felt happy to be with my friends on this trip.. was a refreshing chill-out trip i guess.. didn't do much, but enjoyed myself nevertheless.. for those who couldn't make it, it was such a pity i guess, but well, there can always be a next time.. :) c u all real soon!!
17-20th May -- 4D 3N Genting & KL trip
this trip i went with my dear.. the 1st time we travelled together.. and really was a gd time to connect.. to learn about how we do things together, how to live with each other.. as dear said, it's our "internship" to see if we wanna sign a permanent contract with each other.. haha..
left home early in the morning and all thanks to dearie's papa who drove us to golden mile complex to take the travel coach to genting..
after the long road trip, we reached genting at 2pm.. we were in a travel coach with majority or senior citizens.. the aunties were so chattery and noisy we didn't catch a wink.. yawnz..
checked into First World Hotel.. really a budget hotel.. small tv, no fridge, small toilet, small bathroom.. but got big big beds? haha.. luckily we got a nice view overlooking the theme park, can hear the screaming kids on the flying coaster..
after putting down our stuff in our room, we went to find the cable car station and bought return tickets (RM6 only leh!!!) that brought us all the way to the cable car station halfway the hill where we can go horse-riding.. too bad the weather wasn't fine, with rain and thunderstorm.. so we didn't get to ride the horsey.. sad sad.. but the cable car trip was an eye opener cos it was so steep downhill, such a long way up/ down, that in an event the cable car was stuck midway, it'll be scary with the trees surrounding us.. nothing but trees..
shared a plate of lousy, over-priced nasi lemak with dear at the midhill cable car station.. *left 50 sens only* haha.. (no $$ to buy a decent meal..) no lah, actually, nothing decent to eat there.. sad sad.. then went into a shop selling snacks like cuttlefish, sweets, biscuits, sour plums etc.. we had our fill there!!! haha.. cos they haf everything put out for us to sample.. yum yum.. must go there sample their stuff leh!! free and nice.. haha.. no lah, in the end felt guilty so we bought 100 gms of something.. haha.. but v shuang~~
went back up to genting and had dinner at KFC.. dunno why but i din really haf the appetite.. maybe cos it's so cold, so unappetizing fastfood? can't help it, food up there was expensive, so we ate fastfood (but later we realised the fastfood at genting is also overpriced!!)
then we went to the "snowcity" there.. was quite cheap and no need to pay for the rental of boots, jacket, and gloves.. wasn't as fun as i've expected.. snow wasn't thick enuff to build a snowman (i thot can be like winter sonata, build snowman and throw snowballs) but a bunch of crazy and rowdy m'sians were there throwing "snowflakes" around, endangering the lives of others that were there.. and the giant slide was closed for maintenance.. :( was so cold and chilly, we left 30 min later..
then went back to wash up and recoup our sleep in preparation for tml's day at the theme parks!! yay!! roller coasters here we come!!
woke up early, grab our breakfast, and bought tics to the theme parks.. realised the theme park was really not that great.. all becos of the lack of maintenance, the unruly theme park players (luckily it's still not yet school holidays, so the queue wasn't so long).. played the go-kart 2 times.. shiok.. finally can put my driving skills to use, but didn't get to overtake many ppl (in fact i was overtaken.. boohoo.. ) cos my kart was lousy.. haha..
another "shiok" ride was the mine train (roller coaster) woohoo!!! it was thrilling, and i screamed my hearts out.. too scary ones i dun dare try, but this was wat i can manage.. thanks dear for going on it with me.. hee.. i cheated him and said it was just small curves, 2 rounds, but it was woah!!!!!
then we went shopping at First World Plaza after exhuasting all the rides.. played a game of bowling with dear thrashing me on his 1st time playing the game :( i'm lousy..
went for a few rounds of Daytona, and realised how expensive it was to play at the arcade there.. everything is overpriced up there!!! sad sad..
went back in time to catch "Tuesdays with Morrie" on tv!! "Tuesdays with Morrie" is one of the things that bounded me and my dear together, and was glad to get to watch it with my dear.. cry thru the touching scenes and haf dear dab tissue at my tears.. :)
the next morning we left for KL, stayed at Legends hotel, was glad we had a 5 stars hotel to end our trip with.. the bathroom was huge, the room was huge, and got a swimming pool!! too bad didn't bring a swimsuit..
we set off to the twin towers, looking for the entrance to the SKYBRIDGE, but realised that the tics are all given away for the day. so disappointed, and the next day was an off-day for the m'sians, so we didn't get a chance to see KL from a bird's eye view :(
so we explored KL on their LRT, monorails, Amazing-race style.. aim: to cover as many shopping place as possible.. but was quite disappointed with the shopping, cos it's infested with ppl asking whether we want foot reflexology, and the things there aren't as cheap as i thot it would be..
had a fulfilling dinner at the mall next to our hotel, scoured thru the supermkt there, and had an early nite.. so tired, the trip is taking it's toll on the both of us i guess..
next morning was the long-awaited breakfast buffet.. disappointed with the std.. 5-star hotel, but not 5-star buffet tho.. sad sad.. went and did some last min shopping before the travel coach came to pick us up at 330pm.. was tired, and looking fwd to get home to sleep in my bed, but the trip took so long i reached home only at 1045pm :( tired and exhuasted.. but had fun.. as dear had said, it's the company that mattered i guess..
thank u all friends and dear.. for making my week a fruitful and lovely one!!
i just got a job at a tuition centre.. timing wise, think it's equivalent to giving 2 more tuitions on top of my current 2 tuitions.. the downside of it is they want me to teach till the end of the academic yr. well, i guess i shd be able to cope with that.
then they want me to prepare worksheets too.. oh no.. have to work with my most feared LaTeX again..
classes starting 2 wks later.. the person-in-charge told me the students can be a bit cheeky.. oops.. means a bit the challenging hor? wish me luck.. any tips for me? anyone got any worksheets i can tap on? lazy to prepare.. sob sob..
call me miss chan! hee..
Wanton soup
- wanton skin (square or round ones doesn't matter, can get from the slightly chilled noodle section in supermarket, ask me if u dunno)
- minced pork (the meat section, where they haf all types of meat just get 1 pack)
- 8 medium-sized peeled prawns(cut into half, cross-sectionally) (optional, if u wanna make shui jiao)
- ikan bilis (half cup)/ concentrated chicken stock (1-2 tablespoon)/chicken bones/ chicken meat (for soup flavouring)
- water 4-5 cups
- vege (caixin or xiao bai cai) ( cut them up into "edible" portions, wash and drain)
instructions (making the wanton):
- "marinate" the minced meat with light soy sauce (2 -3 teaspoon), sesame oil (1 teaspoon), " tai4 bai2 fen3"(1-2 tablespoon), pepper(shake 2 times or so) (basically, it's by trial and error for me, the portions are just a rough gauge)
- mix the meat thoroughlyusing a spoon to stir through the marinates..
- then u can wrap the wanton now!
- use around half a tablespoon-full of minced meat and put it in the centre of the wanton skin (can add your half-prawn on top of the meat)
- use some water to the surroundings of the wanton skin (like glue) to seal up ur wantons, remember to press them shut tightly.
- then they're done!
now we prepare the soup..
- boil the water in a pot big enough
- put in ur item #4 in the ingredients list
- after boiling the chicken/ikan bilis etc for around 15 min, taste the soup and add salt/ more flavouring/ pepper accordingly, if the taste is still not up to wat u want
- after the soup base is done, dump in ur wantons
- once the soup boils again dump in the vege
- when the vege is done and the wantons float up, it's done!!
- serve and eat while hot!!
the above dish needs more "agaration" than the kangkong dish, so try more times ah? but v easy one. u try with a smaller pot of soup and around 5 wantons 1st
hee.. cooked this soup with instant noodles for my dear.. the 1st meal i cooked for him.. so happy that i got it right the time i made for him.
Alternatively, u can fry the wantons that u've wrapped to make fried wantons.. it's really tasty and yummy too!!
so hungry now.. going heat up my lunch..
fried kangkong
- kangkong (1 pack from supermkt or wet mkt)
- chilli prawn paste (get from ntuc supermkt section where they sell noodles, fishcake, cheese etc)
- oil
- pluck the kangkong into portions of around 2 inches long
- wash it by rinsing it thoroughly with water around 3 times (like washing rice like dat)
- drain it and put aside
- heat up some oil (around 1 tablespoonful for non-stick wok)
- put 1 and 1/2 tablespoonful of prawn paste when the oil is heated
- fry the prawn paste till fragant and sizzling and bubbling (make sure it's not burnt by stirring it continuously)(use medium flame for better control)
- dump in the kangkong and fry till the kangkong softens and shrinks into a plate's worth(of cos depends on ur definition of plate.. hee.. ) (make sure it dun turn ugly green-- fry too long)
- then it's done!
seems like a lot of steps but it's actually quite fast.. so pls work quick.. medium flame shd be easier to control (just like driving, need to moderate the speed). and just like driving, cooking needs practise.. so 1st timers, dun worry, u'll perfect it soon. just try a few times..
the above recipe is specially dedicated to paw, cos she wanted to cook her bf's fav dish for him.. try once or twice on ur family b4 u show ur perfect dish to him!!
well, of cos, anything u cook, i'm sure he'll love it v much.
next up, wanton soup to complete a 2 persons meal!
issit just me?
or do i really deserve better than the treatment im given today?
the guys who've confirmed to be gg Batam are ignoring me. i feel sick. me and my dear both a bit under the weather, still go all the way to chinatown to book, and shuhuey got appt also go chinatown with me.. thanx to dearie and shuhuey.. without u, i would've just given up. but anyway, i shdn't disappoint shuhuey.. and aren't u glad we're heading batam next wkend!!!
prediction: guys vs gals (nothing to say)
gals tok among ourselves,
guys tok among ourselves
actually i dread a bit leh..
and the KL and Genting trip i so dying to go.. nobody wanna go with me!!!
my mum not so keen on letting only me and my bf go. i dying to shop, play and eat.. desperately need to go on a more rewarding trip than the Batam one which i organised but response so so only.
PMS, i'll bite anyone who gets in my way, or dun come my way... grrr.....
*warning: the below pic might cause unease.. do not kill me if u are a fan of pooh*
purple ink-stained pooh (cleaned up liao):

strangled pooh(the person doing it haf been severely dwelt with):

decapitated pooh:

poor pooh.. RIP..
SAt's tea tasting photos are out!! hee.. see how much fun we're having!
wat we've ordered: rose tea..

yun posing with the tea set

yun at work

mel demonstrating the art of tea tasting

enjoying the smell of tea

just realised we didnt take a group photo.. which is might as well, my complexion so lousy nowadays, it's gonna spoil the photo.. hee..
Hi all,
sorry to those who miss me so.. i'm back from the exams etc.. was feeling abit tired to blog these few days altho i'm free from exams worry..
ok, let's talk abt wat happened the last few days.
went for a medical checkup at Raffles Hospital to clear the employment requirement of the teaching thingie.. and then they took my height to be... 153!!!! *GASPS* am i so short? when haf i shrunk?? sad sad.. then later went shopping with zhen, we each bought a "mould & paint" set from Seiyu's toys section.. it's making winnie the pooh plaster fridge magnets!! meaning u get to mix the plaster and paint the dried plaster!! sounds fun rite? but then to my disappointment, when i tried yesterday, it solidfied so quickly in my mixing bowl, that i had to throw away the whole batch!! sad sad.. think they cheat $$ one.. so expensive leh.. and so HARD to make..
went for my long overdue facial at amk.. it was really refreshing.. the face mask, the eyebrow trimming.. ok, all it takes now for a better me is a great workout routine and a healthy diet (dunno when i gonna start it, getting fat liao :( ) was supposed to meet nit after that to check out the prices for an overseas trip, but she called me while i was enjoying the aircon at amk lib to say she's not feeling well.. well, then i went home to play with my clay (cheat- $- plaster)..
went clementi for lunch with dear, at this Jap Restuarant opp the clementi sports hall, the cinema there.. my advice is: "don't ever eat there.. traumatised!!" by the fried ice cream which ended our meal with such a low note :( was supposed to meet mel at clementi at 230pm, but she said she will be late.. in the end, waited until 4 pm!! sorry for making dear wait with me.. while waiting, was talking abt holiday plans..
finally when mel arrived, we went off to tj pagar to meet up with meilin while we make our way up to Neil Road-- Tea Chapter.. tea chapter is a nice place to chill out, talk and drink tea.. nice ambience, good service, and most importantly-- got AIRCON!! we were damn sweaty and all by the time we reached the doorsteps of tea chapter that we literally RAn up the stairs.. hahha.. caught up on each other's life and gossips, and arguing about our views on marriage.. well.. was quite fun playing snakes and ladders, tho we abandoned it halfway..
later went to the Soup Restuarant for dinner.. was really filling and the samsui chicken was nice ( tho someone out there will be shaking his head).. and the portion was a bit too much for us 3.. but we managed most of the food.. i guess it'll be a gd alternative from crystal jade.. ;)
yup, on the whole, the past few days was really fulfilling and hope that more will come, before i start work in july.. who haven't i met up for a long time? i can meet up now!! :) c ya guys around!!