just read frm shihui's blog.. she said, finding a job is like finding a bf.
quoting from her blog, when u declare ur love to the guy, u have to wait 2 wks b4 he gets back to u. and "somemore if u vvv interested in this guy... so even he say 2 weeks u oso wan to wait till 1 week 6 days 23 hrs 59 min and 59 secs... argh... even if its a "NO" in the end i tink i die die oso wan to hear it from his mouth loh... else i die with my eyes open man"
the analogy is quite true. i'm waiting for the "guy" to tell me he wans to accept me,the guy i prefer. not my dream guy, but i guess i can grow to love him? grow to love him enough to get married, haf kids and grow old with him? this other guy who said he's gg to accept me, i'm not so interested. i do not want to reject him yet, cos he's my life buoy. he can provide me with a stable life within a shorter time.
i guess i should be glad that my relationship is neither of the both situations above? it's mutual love that's driving our r/s now, and i'm glad of it. if only i can get a job i love and the company really feels that i can contribute, then that'll be great. but well, my love doesn't come easily.. and i've been waiting for my perfect guy to come along for quite some time. but does this mean that i need to wait for a long time b4 i get my perfect job? if so, does it warrant for me to go out with some guy (find any job) for the time being 1st?
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you
and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."
Find a girl who calls you immature in that affectionate way instead of hot or sexy,
who can't stand it when you hang up on her and calls rightback,
who would sit there for hours looking into your eyes,
who doesn't care what you look like, but what's inside counts the most,
Who looks at you with the twinkle in her eyesand kisses you,
Wants to be with you in public,
even if you wear those old grass stained and ripped pants with the bleached jersey like always,
Wait for the girl who is a constant reminder of your happiness and joy,
who makes you smiles just byknowing she loves you back.
Wait for the girl whom you give piggy back rides to in public a
nd she still is in view of her friends,
while she gets off and you hear her go: "you're the one for me, for always"
why do i always get these dilemma? haven't i always wanted to teach? ok, well, not really, i'm just in it for the $$. but who isn't? if im not attract by the $, then i won't be so desperately and actively seeking a job..
lemme do the sums: if i get teaching award, they reimburse $6000 for my tuition fees. and i get paid when i'm in NIE. the problem is i didn't get the teaching award thing! they offered the untrained teacher contract, meaning i teach 1 yr, then they see whether they wan me go into NIE. better in some ways, at least i can change my mind aft 1 yr. but, well.. it's kind of not expected mah. so i haf to redo my sums, redo my plans, redo my schedule.
anyway, the other day i went for an interview with the Stats dept. Statistician. hmm.. i felt that it's my best inerview so far. didn't slip off too much, and the aunties and uncles there were quite easy to handle. the problem is, they haven't got back to me yet. if i got accepted, i won't haf to worry so much abt teaching, i guess.. well.. maybe shall call them tml to ask. not tha tthe statistician job i well-paid.. rather, i think the pay lower than teaching. but i still prefer the statistician job, cos office environment, and really boring.. hahaha.. anyway, i dun mind.
lemme tell u all my dream job! to be a fashion mechandiser! too bad i dun haf a diploma in dat, else i would be on my way to be one. haiz.. well.. dreams will always be dreams.. unless i'm strong willed enuff to work for a part time diploma in that field?
Yesterday afternoon, my little sis told me the postman left a card to ask me to collect a bulky item from the S'goon gardens Post office. Bulky item?? hmm.. i thot it was a registered mail cos i'm expecting mails from companies i've gone to for interviews. i really hoped it was from MOe. I'm sick and tired of getting rejected. I'm sick and tired of interviews. I never even bother to impress anymore!! The world is indeed unfair.. cos I might be academically inclined, but yet, i'm such a fool when it comes to speaking about my dreams, my ambitions. and so i give up.
Now i pray to get the teaching job. to end all my miseries. i give up to be an aspiring banker working in shenton way. i give up working in shenton way so that i can haf lunch with mel and meilin. i give up working in shenton way so that i can wear a power suit and look like im in for a kill.. I GIVE UP!
and the mysterious package turns out to be a Centennial mug from NUS! AGAIN?? i've got myself 1 from YIH. and apparently, since i'm the "associate member" of CBLC Alumni., i got one more mug. yeah, it's a bulky item indeed. how i wished i was just another late b'day present from a secret admirer. i won't mind one more present? hee..
well.. so disappointed these few days. i feel defeated. my project going haywire, and i can do nothing abt it. i will screw up my presentation no matter how i wished it could be better. well.. i don't know wat's wrong with me!!! im sick of life. im sick of disappointments, of failures, of everything and anything!! dun come near me, i'll bite!

Last week was trying desperately to complete and perfect my thesis. Last nite was trying to prepare my presentation slides. then realised got one part of my thesis might be wrong!!! mathematically.. argh!! stressed.. and i'm trying v hard to find my error.. by fri. sick.. and the schedule for presentation is not out yet.. even sicker rite?? haiz.. i wish i could get it over and done with..
i realised i have the tendency to "dunno-act-know" or "thot-i-know-but-actually-i-dunno".. how?? haiz.. it's too late to realise now.. sobs..
anyway, it's gonna be over soon.. every thing!!! my studies i mean.. 1 more month.. less than 1 month to be exact.. haiz.. i hope i can maintain my 2nd Upper.. must work hard after my presentation!! everyone else, jia you!! the end is near.. the end of this semester lah..
and when the end is near, we must go somewhere to relax rite? heard about ppl going away for their graduation trip.. places like HK, Aust.. so envious!! but sorry, no $$.. last yr Aust trip made a huge dent in my savings.. must rem that i need to payback the tuition fee loan when i graduate.. sob sob.. where got $$$????
but then, we might be going somewhere near and cheap!! BATAM!! haha.. my jc class ppl lah.. hee.. so excited.. can go go-karting, swimming, water-skiing etc.. YES!!! short and sweet.. ok, i'll check it our once my papers are over!! YAY!! so excited.. oops.. 2nd "so excited" so far..
ok, so my budget is somewhere< $150.. anyone else wanna jio me to go anywhere <$200? or any other suggestions of this? hee..
getting so excited over this and not excited over my presentation.. this is bad.. :(