Tuesday, June 08, 2004

~Starting work~

it's been a really long time since i last worked, on a proper temp job... well, started work today, as a telemarketeer... hmm...

takes a lot of courage to speak to a stranger, and trying to convince someone on the othe end of the phone to take up a starhub package... anyone interested in signing up for SVC? and MaxOnline? hee... haiz... i'm not such a gd sales person... but today's performance was quite satisfying, considering i was a 1st-timer, and din face much rejections... mostly, ppl have already signed up, or are not around... but i guess i can try harder tml... in any case, pple are still willing to listen to me... :) but i din make any sales for today :(

v happy today.. .can't say wat happened, but v v happy... :) someone shd know... *winks*


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