Monday, June 14, 2004

~Honours project worry~

I didn't know that selection of honours project is so early... seems like all my fave lecturers are taken... and my FAVE lecturer gonna retire this mth!! wat luck? haiz.. headache!!

or maybe it's just my own fault.. being a typical procrastinator, that's my retribution.. too bad for me.. maybe i can call Dr Tay YC my gd fren this sem liao? haiz..

yesterday went for a fren's housewarming, hmm... nice little cosy place in punggol... hmm... it's nice to have a nicely decorated, new house rite? hope to have my own house in a few yrs.. 5 yrs? hee... dreamy gal again...

btw, anyone wanna subscribe SCV or MAxOnline? haiz... Still at 0 deal... sure get kicked out soon.. telemarketing is NOT for me...


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