Saturday, February 24, 2007
~The Classic~

"when u close ur eyes and can hear the heart beat, then u know the person u love loves u.

when u close ur eyes, and there is a smile on ur face, then u know the person u love loves u"

I love the above quote.

Blogged about this movie the 1st time i watched with dear.. on 13th July 2004.

Still very touched by this movie..

Letter writing is a gd way to communicate with your loved ones. especially when one might not be too vocal about one's feeling..

The story is told using the love story from the previous generation in extension to the current generation.. the most touching scene is when the blind man pretended to be well and able when he's going to meet the female lead.

and the umbrella story is also very interesting.. people do silly things for love.. like leaving behind their umbrella just to run in the rain with the female lead. *sweet*

Thursday, February 15, 2007
~ 花样少年少女 ~

Showing tonight! remember to watch hor! Very funny..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
~ 忍忍忍 ~



Sunday, February 11, 2007

It's been a long time since i blogged about relationships. been quite affected with ppl's relationship happening around me.

I'm actually quite hapy for Ah ma for finding Ah gong as her match. and she said yes!! Congrats my dear fren.. i really wish u'll be happy with ur dear Ah Gong. next time we meet up, i hope to hear from u alone about the proposal he gave.. hee..

Everyone around me is getting married, preparing to get married, getting a flat.. just short of having kids.. which i don't mind.. ah ma, quick get kids hor, cos i want to play with them..

What is the duration of courtship before u think that a couple should settle down? some ppl feels that not too long cos the relationship needs a renewal after awhile, if not might not work, some ppl feels that they don't need to get married, some ppl wants to settle down fast, some ppl wants to go thru the stage where they live together for a period of time b4 they are certain if he/she is really THE ONE. I am the pragmatic one.. need to wait for ah boy to put rice on the table..

ok, let's now talk about the quality of courtship.. does it have to be full of roses, presents, surprises and romance? for me, not much of a surprise.. cos i can't keep the surprise myself.. hee.. romance would depend on the expectation u have of the experience.. to some ppl, a candlelight dinner can be very romantic, to some, sharing a movie at the cinema, sharing a plate of rice, shopping together can be very romantic. to me, spending quality time with ur loved one is very romantic.

i agree that i might not be the sensitive party in my relationship, but i am the more enthusiastic one, to say the very least.. enthusiastic means to cheer ah boy up when he is down, to pass him tissues, buy him food and chocolates, create little blunders and accidents for him to laugh at me and hate me for (the most recent is cursing him "mai hum, mai hum" for char kway tiao and he suffered for 1 wk, and counting.." and send many smses to complain about my life.. er.. and i'm quite glad he is very sensitive. to the very least, he tries not to call me and disturb me when i'm busy.. and he understands when i dun reply the smses immediately. he is one who gives me space for myself (and to spring surprises sometimes) and my family. even though we are a couple, it doesn't mean that i have to hang out with him every wkend (in fact i dun usually meet him on wkends), it doesn't mean that i have to give up going out with my friends and make excuses to them to say "i don't feel" like going out, when in fact i am meeting him. we can always make alternative arrangements, since we understand each other's life. and i seldom take him out when i meet my gal friends, cos gals-only outing are reserved for sharing of deep thoughts and gossips about boyfriends.

i think our relationship has gone simpler in many ways.. not too much of romance, but more on companionship and being supportive in whatever we are doing in live. not too much of contact, but more of quality contact so that we will cherish each other more when we meet. not too much of gd food, but quality and nice food.. i really do think that "Absence makes the heart fonder". i think we are each other's cheerleader, cos we cheer each other up and gives each other the motivation to work harder.

definitely, we're no longer in the honeymoon stage of the courtship, but the love never fades. it has matured, i feel. matured to the extent that newfound friends might think that we each appear to be unattached, but we are very much attached in spirit.

and happy V-day to all!! in advance. i will be celebrating it with my ah boy, with a simple hawker fare. SERIOUS! i'm not complaining, cos i'm on diet anyway.. anything to fatten u is my pleasure! :) and thanks for the lovely hello kitty jewellery case (which i requested for)! hee.. simply love it..


Seems like i seldom blog about my past nowadays.. maybe now i should relish my favourite JC.. :)

I come from the JC where ppl thinks that we like to "stone" alot since our uniform is the colour of the stone.. hiak hiak.. but i beg to differ.. we were fun-loving ppl ok? i remembered the times we spent gossiping after school, the times we spent in the Library hiding from the very fierce librarian, the times that we stayed behind and consulted our cute tutor.. i had a lot of great memories there. a place where friendships were formed, ppl from all parts of singapore gathered, a place where crushes were shattered and formed, a place where i gained confidence in myself..

Why the sudden mention of my JC? i dropped by my JC the other day, and i was astonished by the changes i saw.. the culture is no longer the "stoner" culture.. the canteen was very much alive.. the porch is now renovated to extend the canteen and it looks like a fast food joint next to the road.. impressive.. there's a new tutorial room block, and i guess all the tutorial rooms are finally airconditioned? gd AND bad, especially if the guys in ur class love to play basketball under the great sun and sweat buckets.. *faintz*

Also, they have the integrated programme in place, meaning that some of the students are very much younger than the crowd we used to have. teaching practice such as creativity, integrated curriculum is quite a WOW factor to teachers especially..

i'm quite glad that my JC class still more or less kept in contact, and i'm quite glad to be able to get to meet with my JC civics tutor in NIE. He's been a great help and a positive mentor, motivator and encourager to all of us.. everyone loves to hear of news from him. :)

JC is where i got the motivation to go on.. every now and then when i look back, i remind myself that the achievements then can be extended, can be reproduced.. i was good then, i hope to be better now!

i don't find any problem with the system, where hardworking students are rewarded with fantastic results.. even if u undergo drill and practise way of learning, at least u are better at the knowledge aspect of things. CR is an example. She's our top student in class, she is very hardworking (usually finishing the tutorials way before us) and very humble (lend us work to copy readily, doesn't boast of her intelligence and hardwork) and she has got great leadership skills (president of the IEEE in Uni).

Sorry i've got to digress.. i love ppl with great leadership skills. and i look down on those that don't (i think i'm one of those who don't have the innate talent of leadership in me). some ppl can be great speaker, mugger, writer, philosopher, but they will go nowhere cos they are not able to manage ppl. to rally for help and support. they are not likeable by ppl, and they might even be very self-centred.being a good leader puts u in better position to negotiate, and you will have more talent with u than a one-man show might be. becos u can manage the talents u have on ur team, a better war is fought.

nevertheless, we must recognise that some people are talented in some ways but not in some other ways. for me, i feel that i am talented in growing fat, talented in hello kitty love, talented in acting cute (just kidding!)i am not talented in sports and fast games, but i can be creative and see things from other aspects too. i feel that i have the slight talent in singing which can be improved on if i go for singing lessons (i must be dreaming.. lol..) i am definitely a talented listener, cos i feel that being able to listen renders me to talk less and think more through the process. and thinking is very important. Some ppl are definitely talented in being very self-centred and doesnt take a step back to see the things they missed out on. and i am talented in procrastinating cos it is now 11 pm and i have a test at 830 am tml and i haven't studied for it.. maybe i have a talent for the module? we shall see.. LOL..

to be continued.. when i feel like it.

Friday, February 02, 2007
~ Fitness tips and myth buster, believe it or not! ~

doing weights training is equivalent to doing cardio exercises ==> both can lose wt/ burn fats.

then the question comes when u ask how long must i do?

weights training can start off with 3 sets of 15 repetition on each set of muscle groups. from top to toe or toe to top. increase the intensity by increasing the wt or increasing the no. of sets or increasing the no. of repetition in each set.

some of us think that doing cardio exercises such as jogging, cross training or stairs climbing will only train our lower body (legs). cardio can also help us increase our heart rate, draw on our energy and hence burn fats. doing cardio exercise for too long will cause us to lose muscles too. which might not be a gd thing as muscles can help us increase our metabolic rate.

believe it or not! this is the meaning i got by asking a professional. i might interpret the meaning wrongly..

also must couple with adequate diet. eat more protein food to help build muscles..

ok, but why am i not losing wt?? sobs..

Dreaming in the clouds

Dreams are to be fulfilled, or are they to be dreamt again and again?

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