Friday, February 02, 2007
~ Fitness tips and myth buster, believe it or not! ~
doing weights training is equivalent to doing cardio exercises ==> both can lose wt/ burn fats.then the question comes when u ask how long must i do?
weights training can start off with 3 sets of 15 repetition on each set of muscle groups. from top to toe or toe to top. increase the intensity by increasing the wt or increasing the no. of sets or increasing the no. of repetition in each set.
some of us think that doing cardio exercises such as jogging, cross training or stairs climbing will only train our lower body (legs). cardio can also help us increase our heart rate, draw on our energy and hence burn fats. doing cardio exercise for too long will cause us to lose muscles too. which might not be a gd thing as muscles can help us increase our metabolic rate.
believe it or not! this is the meaning i got by asking a professional. i might interpret the meaning wrongly..
also must couple with adequate diet. eat more protein food to help build muscles..
ok, but why am i not losing wt?? sobs..