Friday, June 02, 2006

~ depression ~

Probably depression is not enough to make you fall sick. Probably being mentally drained is not enough to make u fall sick.

What causes physical illness? i've managed to survive 1 whole yr without falling sick! that's an achievement! or issit a bane? and physical illness can make u suffer physically, my mind is already sick, tired and not functioning. i need to recharge! i need to meditate.. GOD, whoever u are, help me through this mad rush before i go crazy..

how can i think about falling sick? when it's the holidays already? yah, and dun always say i complain too much.. it is actually to get it off my chest. too bad nobody listens to me. or rather, my only listening ear is feeling that im abusing it. sighz.. what to do? when i have a truckload full of complaints and nowhere to totally unload n leave it alone. even if i try to abandon my complaints, they'll still come back to huant me in my dreams and in my real life. what am i actually going through? i really dunno how i got into this mess which i initially thought it's a wonderful dream.. is this really what i want? to turn nightmare into beautiful dreams? it might take time, but am i really patient enough to handle these? may GOD (whoever u are) gimme strength. i can only rely on u my GOD.

dun worry everyone, im not into christianity or any other belief yet, but i need the G-O-D to help me. the G-O-D who can happen to read my email and help me out in it. remember the "Joe almighty" (issit the title) movie starring Jim Carrey? i hope The Almighty GOD will show me the way.


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