after the depressing wed and thu of the week.. my weekend started on a better note..
me hanged out with dearie yest aft school.. was planning to have mac at united square, but was diverted by the PIZZA HUT.. sure dear enjoyed his meal better than me. but it was great to see dearie enjoying his pizza, cos he seems deprived and skinnier than usual.
after that me met up with my colleagues to have dinner and drink together.. for the 1st time we went out on an informal gathering.. and i was scared that i would be v boring at 1st but luckily the night was fun with laughters and silly dirty jokes.. we met at "OOsters" at far east square for some belgium cuisine.. and the fish and chips was big and nice.. the serving is a bit too big for me, but luckily some of them ordered pathetically small servings of sausages so we can finish most of our food. then they were also drinking the belguim beer served by the restaurant. and for me, no drinking.. cos im not into it.. luckily.. hee..
then we proceeded to intercontinental hotel for some drinks and music.. me had their raspberry tea, which was refreshing, with a tinge of sourness.. served with honey, it tasted quite nice.. and the nite ended with my colleague sending all of us home.. so i reached home quite late.. but had fun.. looking forward to more of such outings..
well, if u all havent known, i was feeling really upset on wed and fri cos i was told that they had to evaluate me for 1 more semester before allowing me admit to NIE, to my disappointment. which i felt was really unfair. however i must admit i wasn't good enough either. and i hope to start next yr with a better attitude and must beware of all the foreseen attacks by my enemies. i will do well.
on the other hand, i should be glad that i am staying for 1 more semester cos i'll be able to be with my colleagues one more semester. and i should stop whining and crying over wat has been fixed. i believe in myself, just like those who support me. i shall not let this bring me down.
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is success?
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better
Whether by a healthy child, a garden
Patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
Because you have lived;
That is to have succeeded.
Recently, in the office, my colleague introduced me to this stupid lady called Miss Bunny Swan. i must say she has the same effect as Mr Bean on me. or maybe i shd say somewhat different too.. cos she's "irritatingly funny" as how we put it as.. i u ever see me online and if possible, i can send u the show show to watched.. super entertaining..

the below is what i copied from some website telling you more about this irritating lady.. haha..
*(Alex Borstein/costar) Miss Bunny Swan, an irritating lady from Kuvaria (near the North Pole where Santa Claus lives).
Bunny is seemingly dense, clueless, cheap (bargaining for the price of popcorn and drink) and unable to speak or understand the English Language very well. Miss Swan works as a manicurist at the Gorgeous Pretty Beauty Nail Salon. While conversing, with customers and others her mangling of the English language annoys people so much that they often give her things just to get rid of her.
Once, after an encounter at a fast-food drive through window, the attendant on duty lost his temper trying to communicate with Miss Swan and pummeled her with hamburgers. However, when Miss Swan really wants something, she is a clear as a bell in explaining what she wants.
When Bunny is threatened, she might say "If you're not nice to me, I will not smile at you like this [she displays a cheesy, half-baked smile with upturned lip.] The most memorable Miss Swan sketches featured her character at an ATM machine, running a phone sex hotline, volunteering to be hypnotized by the Amazing Mesmo and when she appeared on THE DATING GAME...and won!
Miss Swan's trademark catchphrases included "Yeah okay"; "I tell you everyting"; He...looka like a-man"; and "You such a nice lady to help me."
in case u're interested in creating those nice images, this is the website to got to:
have fun!!
while everyone is still playing with the build a house, i realised im more interested in designing appearances for boys and girls..

some of u may know that my dream was to become a fashion mechandiser, but no such luck, and no courage to take the 1st step. anyway, im happy with being a teacher, tho u feel that it's really sad if ur students nv appreciate u for the effort put in..
i read from this book that said: "If everything goes well, parents and employers think their students are good pupils, but if things go badly, they think the teacher is bad!" yes, i truly agree.. well, get me away from this horrid situation soon!!
it's their end of yr exam period.. which means no more lessons for me only revision wksht.. hee.. so today i ended early too, cos my fan club is not in sch today to find me aft sch.. hee..
i've been feeding a fan club with a cute and chubby indian kid, a skinny but nice chinese boy, and another skinny but nice chinese boy who's v caring towards me as well.. hee..
i feel great giving them aft sch remedial.. at least it's not as stressful as standing in front of the class.. and at least they really learn a lot more than in class.. boy im glad i'm almost over the sickening period in my life.. cos the school term is ending!! yay!!
however i know that dear and the others still in NUSare struggling now with proj deadlines, midterm tests and the impending exams. jia you!!
but i feel i haf more things to come fro me.. cos i got a new tuition kid (almost unwillingly, but i think he really needs help).. and i feel that i could've more coming for me too.. anyway, with all these extra income, who wanna go on holidays this end of yr with me? im not paying for ur tiv and expenses tho.. hee..
recently been wanting to shop for clothes but to no avail.. really boring gg shoppin and not finding anything that interests me.. but that is gd for me also, cos i can save $$!!!yay!!
yun is tired, sleepy, and empty.. hmm.. maybe i shd go home now?