extract from email
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father waskind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."
The little girl said, "No, Dad. You please hold my hand."
"What's the difference, darling?", asked the puzzled father.
The little girl replied, "Dad, if I hold your hand and something happens to me, I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."
In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in itsbond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours.
with my beloved hp dying out on me soon, i decided to do some serious research on which new hp can i change to.
my all- time favourite, since it has been introduced, is Nokia 7610:

chio or not? but v expensive and bulky, but i like the keypad design.. so chio hor? and then go 1 MP camera, can add on memory.. haha.. lemme dream can or not?
but of cos if my hp were to die on me now, i'd haf no choice but to use this :

cos it's the only hp lying around!! hahaha...
dun laff at me hor.. but i think my current hp is recovering well, not giving me any trouble these few days.. must be all the rest i'm giving it ;)
my hp is dying out soon.. blackouts without warning.. i dunno when it'll totally blackout, without being able to be switched on anymore.. and my stupid sis used my plan to upgrade her hp!! sad sad.. now no available plan for me to change hp.. one day, i might resort to using the old NK3310 at home.. laugh at me bah.. when u hear my hp go "ring ring" hee.. retro leh??
been enjoying giving tuitions at the tuition ctr now.. hmm.. made me feel less stage fright nowadays, speaking in front of a class(of 2-3 students, haha..) and sometimes i feel really useful, cos i can help them out :) yun feel accomplished. hope my teaching stint at the tuition ctr can help me build up confidence to teach infront of a class of 36-40 students in time to come.. i love teaching!!
hee.. gan3 qing2 shi4 ke2 yi3 pei2 yang3 de4!! hee..
then going watch initial D with dear on sunday.. poor dear having sales period at MNG, so busy i can't get to see him for these few days.. but i will enjoy the movie with dear on sun rite?? hee.. also quite interested to watch the jap movie "be with you " seems like a touching movie.. i love to cry during a movie.. oops.. sounds a bit sadistic hor? haha..
ok lah, gg cook lunch liao.. have a nice day!
the sun was shining, bright and sunny.. me met ling for a walk in the "treetops"..
we prepared sandwiches and salad for lunch and started our day early (tho shd've been earlier, cos i was late, shame on me..) we were chattery and happily skipping along, admiring the flora and fauna in Macritchie park. we scrutinised the map to make sure we were on the right track.
walking along the boardwalk, and catching up with each other's life.. time passed rather quickly. but then we were tired after 1 and a half hour of walk. yet, the treetop was no were to be seen. we walked and walked and walked after wat seems to be an eternity, we reached the petuling tower. it's a 6 stories high tower supposed to let us look out for birds, admire the rainforest etc.. so we sat on the 5th storey of the tower, took out the salad as appetizers..
but the dark clouds came.. (yeah, dunno why yun can't command them to leave) and then we feel drizzling... oops.. not discouraged by the little rain, we continue our way in search of the "treetop walk".
not wanting to follow the crowd, we came to a point where we went against the crowd. was happily showing off how we had foresight by bringing umbrella, the pple drenched were like pathetically passing us. when this kind family told us, this is a one way route and we can't reach the treetop route by this, we were like"!!!!!" then we had no choice but to turn back. so this route which we found was supposed to be a short cut was a no thru' road, sad sad.. then we went back to the main path and went with teh crowd. by the time the rain was so heavy the path was flooded and our feet were soaked. but nothing can stop us, the 2 gungho gals, from conquering the treetop!
at last we reached the treetop entrance aft some climb upslope. we made our way into the treetop walk, and was fascinated by the sight we saw. we were like aboveall, and took in the misty (cos of the rain) scenery.. too bad din bring a camera.. it was indeed a reward for our 3+ hours worth of walk to reach the treetop. by the time we were hungry and drenched (so much for the umbrella, haha) and we had to make our way back down to where we were told that was wrong by some passerbys.. and it was a rather long walk till we reach the ranger station where we filled our bottles, and had lunch.
after some rest, we made our way back with the remaining 5.5 km journey. and the walk was equally scary, becos nobody was in front or behind of us. and the stretch of trail was 5.5 km long, in the forest, called the MAcritchie nature trail.. with a drop-off sole (from my track shoes), 2 painful, scrapped ankles, some mosquito bites and a wet wet backpack, i hung on to my determination and went thru the forest. a bit scary cos it's just the 2 of us gals, and we keep hearing big "boom" like the sound coming from the rifle. we walked thru wat seems like the breadth of singapore to emerge victoriously to Macritchie! from 850 am to 215 pm, we were walking and walking and walking!! gasp.. aren't we great?
seriously, i think the both of us are not as fit as some who can walk so fast thru the jungles or even on the boardwalk trail ( cos many overtake us, old and young) but we ought to obtain a pat on our back for our determination and courage right?
tips on the treetop walk:
- go early in the morning, prefarably 2-1 & 1/2 hours before the opening of the treetop walk
- bring a water bottle
- umbrella (our life saver!)
- a set of clothes change, unless u dun mind being smelly on the bus home
- lunch (definitely gonna be hungry aft so much walk)
- NEVER wear ankle socks
- good walking shoes ( dun wear lousy type that the soles will fall off one haha)
really had fun today, with ling, my gungho galfren! till the next time!
have u ever encountered a friend who finds u only when she needs u? i think i have several.. but of cos eat to a different extent. most of them is up to a certain tolerant level for me. but somehow, this someone drew the last straw.
i haven't met up with her since last yr, but we kept in contact by sending forwarded smses once in awhile. sometimes will ask about how each other is doing over the sms and such..
so there was this day a couple of weeks ago, when i sent her a forwarded sms and she asked me how i was doing.. i told her i was fine, and asked her whether she wanted to meet up.. but she said she was BUSY, and nv promised me anything abt meeting up. oh, and then i heard from another common fren of ours, who said she also haven't seen this BUSY fren for sometime, yup, BUSY was her reason again.. ok, i understand, sometimes i get so BUSY i dun feel like meeting up, maybe i'd just stay at home and rest, but are u ever BUSY to this extent? such that u dun need to tok to anyone abt wat's up with u? such that u're not interested with ur friend's life?
well, so i was telling her abt holding a tuition ctr job and 2 more tuition kids on hand. so she asked me to intro her if i got any lobangs. fine, so i sent her an sms abt this tuition agency where u can register at and get sms alerts on new tuition assignments. then she asked: " need to pay 50% commission one ah?" i replied yes.. i said u dun wan ah? i can try help u ask my tuition ctr see if they need any new tutors. so she replied: " u ask then let me know ok?" so i was set to help her ask when i go for my lessons 3 days later. also, she said she was flexible abt the subjects to teach so i was quite surprised at that time.. 1) she usually dun teach sec sch science subj (so i thot she meant flexible = can teach any level any subjects) and 2) i thot she was BUSY???? surprise surprise... still got time to give tuition at tuition ctr? she must've heard of my hourly pay rate which is quite high for her usual teaching subjects..
but later in the evening, she sms me asked me whether i can give her the no of my tuition ctr, she call and ask.. i was like, "DUH, if i give u, then u call and anyhow say things abt me saying the tuition ctr got vacancies or wat then i die leh!!!" i mean i really wanna help her, so i think the best is to ask when i'm there in person, don't u feel? i mean, even i feel it's not right for me to ask by calling the tuition ctr right? so i din reply her that msg abt giving the no to her.
then she suddenly seemed so desperate. by asking me whether i got her msg.. i was so frustrated i din really think of wat to reply her but just ignored that msg again. subsequently, i received 2 more such msges, before i replied her that i ask for her on mon. but i was rather pissed off by her attitude towards me.. she treated me like wat? not that i really wanted to go out with her, see her in person, but dun u think it's too much? to think i nv really rec any msg from her voluntarily, and now she "flooded" my hp with msg, so worried i din help her ask? if she's really sincere abt asking me to help, why can't she directly call me? she's only a self-centred, pampered B****. and i hate the fact that she's got the above-average-looks.. but well, as dear always say, she's just an empty shell bah..
in the end, i din ask for her (yah call me selfish, call me wicked) cos i was quite pissed off with this thing.. this incident is not the 1st already, u see..
is that wat friends are for? someone whom u can make use of when u need something? i thot friends are for company, for sharing of deeper thots, for the true care and concern of ur wellbeing.. i feel that i've put in wat i felt enough for this piece of friendship, but din get much in return. my heart is dead for her. cos i wanna stop myself from being made use of.
and u know wat stimulated me to blog about this incident? it's not her. but another fren, whom i thot will be hitting my limit soon. gd luck my other fren..
p/s: dun ever make the excuse BUSY to any of ur frens.. at least, u shd say what u busy with.. at least, i understand every1 has a reason for his/her business, but touch ur conscience and ask, whether haf u put in that amount of effort to keep the friendship going? is there really no time for u to squeeze out????
GSS has been going on for a few weeks liao, and i haven't really done some serious shopping..
but well, today v happy leh.. cos got someone pay for my shopping. for the 1st time i feel so blessed.. hee.. aiyoh.. i think i sound like a bimbotic, brainless, materialistic gal.. but i really feel v happy.. no wonder ppl love their bf becos they pay for their shopping.. i feel it now!!!
ok lah, just a Mango pants.. but dear slogged so much for it. and i love it a lot.. my 1st mango pants is bought by my dear.. hee.. oh boy, i think i'm quite sua ku or wat issit? some pple have their whole wardrobe full of mango apparels, i'm like only getting my 1st Mango piece.. well, i'm just a deprived individual?
anyway, i love u dear!!
been so busy these few days.. when it's supposed to be holiday for me!! haha..
was busy with..
- setting worksheets.. (it'll always be on my complain list)
- giving tuition at the tuition ctr.. (look fwd to it cos i get to eat dinner with dear, and no need to prepare dinner at home!)
- telemarketing-- helping a fren call this particular condo's residents to see if they intend to rent out their house.. ( i get commission if succeed! hee..)
- preparing dinner at home (if im home in the evening that day, tiring leh.. )
- watched madacasgar (not nice one, and i thot i will be fun.. disappointed)
things i wanna do:
- KTV (hope i get to sing tml?)
- spend time more with dear
- go to the "zoo" with dear.. haha.. just kidding..
- swim at dear's place
- jog, and jian fei.. quite hard leh.. haha..