~Exams are OVer~
no leh, i dun feel as much excitement as before. no urge to ask my frens to shop with me, pig it out.. haiz.. in fact i'm still going back to sch tml.. not that i mind. but i dunno why this time, the after exams-syndrome is not in place.
Probably bogged down by my loooooong to- do list bah... grr...
- Lose weight -- everyone knows i've gained weight, not on the weighing scale, but on prominant areas on my body. yucks!! i hate being fat, especially when my bf is so skinny, *envy* counting back, i think i barely exercised for more than 4 months!! that's horrible!! Jogging, Swimming.. how i miss them, think i won't be able to keep up to myself.. haiz..
- Meet up with all the frens i've not met for so long.. Mel and MEilin, Huey, PF, Ling, Nit and everyone else i miss... but doubt i've the time and effort.. i'm just too lazy to make the effort to jus sms them, arrange timing.. argh!! that's me!
- Learn LaTex.. haha.. like learn driving like dat, no lah, it's so boring and pointless to stare at the computer screen for scuh a long time!! argh!! crazy~
- HOnours project.. i guess this is the most pressing (or rather suppressing) problem that turned me off for the holidays.. still have to grind my brain juices for it. any idea how the probability distribution will be optimised for wireless sensors?? who cares? somehow, i just feel like i'm just a follower, someone who can follow instructions v well, up to the point of being too mechanical. yet, i'm not a leader, an inventor, one with strong personal opinions. i guess i'm easily swayed by external influences. well, that's yun yun for u.
- Pack my room, clean up, throw away old stuff.. i hate it when the house gets older, person gets older, things pile up and somehow, u just can't bear to throw things away. the case for the things in my house. it looks like a karang guni madness.. it's true!!
[not-so-important- to-dos]
- KTVing!! i need to destress!! and a lot of new songs out le!! must sing~~ lalalalala..
- Catch up on movies? I wanna watch the incredibles!! oh yah, dear is treating me to the andy lau and rene liu show, plus won bin (charity gala!!) and get to see andy lau up-close- and personal *gasp*! haha, i helping my dear gasp. and i dying to buy quill to watch.. the doggie movie i've so long for, yet haven't watched..
- Change my blog template. it's too glum, too black, to gloomy.. and my dear says he's going to inherit this skin, so i guess i'm going to find a better one? must help my dear start his blog, he says he feels the urge.. haha..
gimme strength to carry on.. and gimme luck to get slim. i need to get in shape. *gals~~~*
today was playing with this site, check this out.
which one u think looks like me? created 2 on my own and 1 by dear.
and which one looks more like dear? cannot say which one better looking, which one more realistic?? hee..
~Exams are OVer~
no leh, i dun feel as much excitement as before. no urge to ask my frens to shop with me, pig it out.. haiz.. in fact i'm still going back to sch tml.. not that i mind. but i dunno why this time, the after exams-syndrome is not in place.
Probably bogged down by my loooooong to- do list bah... grr...
- Lose weight -- everyone knows i've gained weight, not on the weighing scale, but on prominant areas on my body. yucks!! i hate being fat, especially when my bf is so skinny, *envy* counting back, i think i barely exercised for more than 4 months!! that's horrible!! Jogging, Swimming.. how i miss them, think i won't be able to keep up to myself.. haiz..
- Meet up with all the frens i've not met for so long.. Mel and MEilin, Huey, PF, Ling, Nit and everyone else i miss... but doubt i've the time and effort.. i'm just too lazy to make the effort to jus sms them, arrange timing.. argh!! that's me!
- Learn LaTex.. haha.. like learn driving like dat, no lah, it's so boring and pointless to stare at the computer screen for scuh a long time!! argh!! crazy~
- HOnours project.. i guess this is the most pressing (or rather suppressing) problem that turned me off for the holidays.. still have to grind my brain juices for it. any idea how the probability distribution will be optimised for wireless sensors?? who cares? somehow, i just feel like i'm just a follower, someone who can follow instructions v well, up to the point of being too mechanical. yet, i'm not a leader, an inventor, one with strong personal opinions. i guess i'm easily swayed by external influences. well, that's yun yun for u.
- Pack my room, clean up, throw away old stuff.. i hate it when the house gets older, person gets older, things pile up and somehow, u just can't bear to throw things away. the case for the things in my house. it looks like a karang guni madness.. it's true!!
[not-so-important- to-dos]
- KTVing!! i need to destress!! and a lot of new songs out le!! must sing~~ lalalalala..
- Catch up on movies? I wanna watch the incredibles!! oh yah, dear is treating me to the andy lau and rene liu show, plus won bin (charity gala!!) and get to see andy lau up-close- and personal *gasp*! haha, i helping my dear gasp. and i dying to buy quill to watch.. the doggie movie i've so long for, yet haven't watched..
- Change my blog template. it's too glum, too black, to gloomy.. and my dear says he's going to inherit this skin, so i guess i'm going to find a better one? must help my dear start his blog, he says he feels the urge.. haha..
gimme strength to carry on.. and gimme luck to get slim. i need to get in shape. *gals~~~*
today was playing with this site, check this out.
which one u think looks like me? created 2 on my own and 1 by dear.
and which one looks more like dear? cannot say which one better looking, which one more realistic?? hee..
The dreaded moment has come.. when i saw my dear hammie lie motionless on the floor of his cage. my dear hammie has passed away on 18th Nov 2004. think it's 2 yrs old liao..
my poor hammie has been battling an ear tumour for a few months already. and it must be in pain. that's why i'm partly glad that it's no longer suffering from the pain now. i remembered once i dreamt of poor hammie.. biting everyone who comes close, and i asked poor hammie, " u are in a lot of pain rite?" and it pains me too, to see hammie suffering.
for now, i sweared myself off pets. but was a bit tempted when cathy promised to gimme a couple of hammie when her pair of hammies bear offsprings.. hmm.. we'll see then.. though my parents were saying, "no more hammies.." well, we shall see..
"Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
He's Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh
Willy nilly silly ole bear

Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
He's Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh
Willy nilly silly ole bear"
hee.. went for winnie the pooh show with Huey.. my sis won 2 free tics, and ask me go watch the show.. felt so kiddish all of sudden.. so happy at the same time.. haven't had the chance to catch such Disney production even when i was young, and we were marvelling at the wonderful effects to make the show so entertaining.. pooh was cute, but i like tigger more.. boink, boink, boink!!! hee.. so cute.. and Roo was also v cute.. hee.. soon i'll end up saying every character is cute.. which is true.. hee.. wonderfully marvellous, and all the kids there were so excited seeing cute little pooh. same here.. i guess there's always a child in everyone of us rite?
then after my pooh show, and a quick visit to the food fair (yum yum!! had soya bean ice cream by mr bean, v nice and healthy, rite huey?) i rushed down to Cineleisure to buy tic for a show me and dear was intending to watch since last Sun. fortunately(or rather unfortunately), got 2 tics on the 3rd row for "Before Sunset". both of us thought it's gonna be a superb show, since Straits Times' critic was like 4 stars.. yah superb!! superbly BORING.. taliing and talking and talking and talking, and half of the time talking so dirty.. and the guy's mind is bent on having S**!! omigod!! wat a show.. they just walking around France, talking, catching up on each other's life, talking abt world issues, past affairs, emotional stuff, family matters.. yabba yabba yabba.. yawnz.. such a disappointment. definitely not worth the $8.50 tic! i dun even think it's worth $6.50 for a 1 and 1/2 hr show?
but nvm, yun yun is happy with "Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh..."
lemme ask u a question.. wat are u all afraid of? i mean pests.. which household pests are u all afraid of??
me? i'm scared of flying cockcroaches.. those big, fat, black horrible flying ones.. yucks!! i remembered there's this once when i was in jc, in the morning when i woke up, groggily trying to do my business.. and this horrible blackie flew up onto my uniform hanging against the hook.. i was desperately trying so hard to finish off with my business and attack the blackie with the pesticide, but i think the cockcroach sensed it coming and went into defense.. it flew up to my lap!!! i was shocked, scared and it was like.. yikes!! i stood up, swept it off me (luckily im done le).. and headed out of my bathroom, got a set of newspaper and rolled it up to form a bat.. i tried to hit the horrible creature with the newspaper but it started flying.. i was so freaked out and in the end it escaped.. so sad.. i let the horrible creature which molested me escape :( so now i always keep my eyes wide open in my bathroom, especially in wee hours in the morning or night. and subsequently, i killed a few of these horrible creatures, before they start flying around.. *warrior music* *applause*
i think i had this thing against flying objects.. last night was a really really big moth, the size of my palm.. looks like those butterfly, but it's darkish brown with an orange pattern on it.. it flew into my room, and started flapping around.i was again freaked out.. and switched off my lights, went out to the living room to switch on the lights hoping it'll fly out.. but no it didn't and remained in my room.. got my little sis to help me with it, she was curious to see the big moth but it din appear when she came in.. haiz.. in the end i switched off all the lights and pulled the blanket over my head.. so scary.. i heard the mothy flapping around above, near the ceiling and i sob and prayed for it to leave my room.. i peeked out of my cover, and realised that's it's right on top of my at the ceiling.. i pulled my blanket over my head again and slept very uncomfortably subsequently.. and i even dreamt of the big moth biting my hand!! so painful.. horrible flying creatures.. i was defeated.
still sends a shiver down my spine, thinking abt it.. yikes!