Love: You are bubbly, kind, and pure. You
enjoy the company of friends and those close to
you, and are just a generally happy person.
Your main desire is for those you care about to
feel appreciated.
What emotional state are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
hee.. spent wed with dear.. the whole 12 hours!! dear.. super tired again.. haha.. sleepy beez??
got somethng for the 1st time.. tho it's just a rosy, but i love it.. nobody gave me a bouquet before mah.. hee..

nice nice.. i love it dear.. and really enjoyed myself..
must jia you!! :)
time really flies! we've been together for 6 months.. isn't it so? hee.. we still have more 6 months to go.. infinity? if we allow it to go on.. love u dear!
having fun posting pictures.. here's something i always can keep myself amused, hope it makes u smile today:

i can nv stop laughing when i see this cute little girl fallen asleep halfway while playing.. reminds me of-- myself?? haha.. i can fall asleep quite easily leh.. hee...
and this pic reminds me of dear ah boy.. yest while taking bus with me to send me back home, he fell into deep sleep, unable to wake up.. when we really need to get off the bus, dear had this kinda eyes:

and here's a cutie eggy-faced baby:

HaPpY 6tH MoNtH! (in advance)
i scared tml not free to post this entry, so i post now... hee.. kiasu ah girl... ah girl can't wait to see u again in the morning! love u dear..
Just bought a pair (actually 3, but sis took 1) of Pooh hp accessory.. partly becos i felt guilty for losing my doggie..
here's a pic of dear's pooh, looks a lot like newborn.. soo cute.. soo furry, soo small, so lovely:

and the 2 kissing poohs:

Pictures courtesy of dear's hp.. hee..
- Motherboard kenna infected by virus ah? spoilt le!! can't believe it, within a couple of yrs can spoil so many times, dunno wat's happening?
- lost my doggie keychain..
lots of sentimental value, accompanied me thru ups and downs during my Australia trip, but i dropped it along the road or somewhere?!! Anyone seen my lost doggie??
- turning panda soon.. can't handle all the MAths modules, tuitions, chores at home, and little little distractions.. yawnz.. somemore always dreams when i sleep, makes me even more tired!! i hate to dream nowadays!!
- why is term break so short? 5 days? my foot!! 4 short days only loh.. crazy NUS..
- no time to run, jog, swim... getting fat le... sighz..
- no egg, no carrot cake (or rather no nice and yummy eggy carrot cake.. carrot cake will nv be the same again :( )
- 6th months anniversary.. last day of term break. going chinese gardens to watch the lanterns!! yay!! long long time since i stepped into chinese gardens to see the lanterns.. tho i think every yr more or less the same, but long time nv go le..
- Amazing Race Finale!! Remeber to catch it.. my favourite reality show.. hmm.. i always love to imagine goint to all those exotic places and doing extreme things.. must be fun.. but too bad this season's ending le..
- basically nothing much, cos break so short, like gone b4 u know it.. 10 more min to official start of break.. Sianz..
sorry my dear frens, recently too bogged down, demoralised, looked down by my horrible maths modules, that i dun feel like blogging anything nice.. all inspirations sucked away by the stupid Slacker lecturer, Panda look-alike, and prof X (just joking).. hmm.. i dozing off le.. can let me off?? yawnz..
i hate the feeling of not being able to understand anything that's going on in my classes. i tried and tried but to no avail. i want to be able to do my tutorials but i can't! issit cos i haven't tried hard enough?
i hate to be emotional, overly stressed up.. with sis hounding me on my back, wanting me to get our PC fixed, and mind u, i spent so much $ on it already! maybe just to lessen my guilt for not being able to get anything done on it, but i really tried my best! maybe it's just me, i'm just incapable, blur, not sensitive enough to my family's feeling? why can't anyone at home understand me either?? i hate myself for snapping at my mum, i hate myself for saying those words that my mum felt hurting, i hate myself for slashing my mum's heart once again.. i tried, but i failed. i can't accept my failure and i go around hurting everyone else. i'm just a failure. maybe when u love someone a lot, it's easier to hurt the person. and i'm just a coward, cowering in my own space (or do i have any personal space in fact!?), i'm shirking responsibility by staying out so much, giving tuitions so much, in fact, i just hate to be here in my messy room! i wanna get out of here soon, i wanna be free of all these worries..
and maybe that's why i'm relying so much on my dear nowadays. i cry to my dear when i'm bullied at home, i cry to my dear when the stress is too heavy for me to bear, i make dear worry for me, i make dear hold me tight, cos i dun wan to lose this pillar of strength. just found out a fren just broke up with her bf of 6 yrs. she's devestated, heartbroken.. don't feel like living on. now i think i can understand her feeling. don't ever leave me, dear..
just received the ikea catalogue thru mail today.. i always look forward to receiving a new ikea catalogue for the yr.. i love flipping thru the pages, looking thru the nice decorations, nice ornaments, sweet kiddy furniture, comfy sofa (beds), storage solutions and all the colourful nick-nacks..
all the model rooms in the catalogue, are where i wished i lived in.. so warm, so comfy, so clutter-free.. unlike my house.. sighz..
i can always imagine myself, sleeping on the nicely quilted bed, staring at the sliding door wardrobe thinking about wat to wear for the day.. i think of sitting on the comfy sofa, sipping my cup of tea, reading magazines.. i'd love to have a stylish desk in my study room, somewhere which can accomodate my lappie, my books, my notes.. i dream about having a fun and colourful room for my kids, somewhere where they can play and stimulate their imagination. my kitchen would be a place where i can cook up a storm, where one can have small meals in..
well, i'll always feel like this everytime i get the catalogue.. sighz.. it'll still be a dream to me.. one day, i will have a house of my own, one day.. and i'll get it renovated just how i wanted it to be..
time to go ikea! hee.. it's been a long time.. i remembered the last time when we were studying for A levels, we did go queensway MAc to study rite? hee.. those were the days.. together with nit and huey.. much, much less stress than now? haiz.. the last time i went ikea was, i think i met ling for dinner or lunch(?) when she was working temp around the vicinity.. those were the days..