Monday, July 05, 2004

~busy busy~

been so busy nowadays... got back my usual tuition level, means 2 jc kids, 1 sec sch kid... hmm, prefer teaching jc kids, at least i get to think more... at least i do not sit down there and stare at them and try not to doze off... at least im not underpaid...

i hate myself sometimes, always such a whiner, always complain, complain, complain... typical singaporean...

today i'm feeling slightly depressed... 1st with the morning agonising facial session, took so long and so painful!! and then i signed up for another facial package since mine is ending soon... so now, i'm broke, physically and financially...

then i ended up eating my lunch only at 4pm... all becos of the stupid beautician (altho i shd say she's being rather thorough, that's why so painful...) i almost fainted on my way home... haiz... no wonder i so grouchy the whole day.

then i had tuition, my underpaid tuition... v tired cos i din get to rest during facial, so i was a bit impatient, a bit harsh on my poor sec 3 gal... but the worst part was after tuition... i was walking downstairs, on my way back home, and indian teenager asked me: "AUNTIE, got coins for $2?" i was so shocked after i heard, i just shook my head and walked off... i look v auntie meh? i'm not even dressed v auntie to begin with!! is v neck t-shirt + bermudas v auntie??? wat a way to end my day... must be my retribution for not meeting my dear on his bday today...haiz... sorry dear...


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