Use Singlish. It's so much cheaper, shorter, faster. Why do we insist on using the Queen's English, when Singlish is so much more economical and effective? Compare the following scenarios:
Britons : I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
S'poreans: No Stock!
Britons : Hello, this is Mr Bean. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?
S'poreans: Hello, who page?
When someone is in the way...
Britons : Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?
S'poreans: Siam lai! or Siam, hor! or Skius!
When someone offers to pay..
Britons : Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
S'poreans: no need lah
When asking for permission...
Britons : Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?S'poreans: (while pointing at door) Can pass or Not?
When asking to be excused...
Britons : If you would excuse me for a moment, I have to go to the gents/ladies. Please carry on without me, it would only take a moment.
S'poreans: Go toilet. Buay tahan ahh.....
When entertaining...
Britons : Please make yourself right at home.
When doubting someone...
Britons : I don't recall you giving me the money.
S'poreans: Got meh?
When deciding on a plan of action...
Britons : What do you propose we do now that the movie's sold out & all the restaurants are closed?
S'poreans: So how?
When disagreeing on a topic of discussion...
Britons : Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the policy.
S'poreans: Talk cock lah you!
When asking someone to lower their voice...
Britons : Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here
S'poreans: Eh, Tiam leh!
When asking someone if he/she knows you...
Britons : Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time. Do I know you?
S'poreans: See what see?!
But i feel that Singlish is so rude.. Very rude leh.. briton way is more civilized.. but too chim liao.. lol.. (Singlish in action)
By the way, I went for Hello Kitty hide and seek exhibition just now.

my fren secretly took this pic (cos they wanted to earn $$ from us by taking pictures for us).. I love Hello Kitty!!

Who's on for another round of Spree? Tokyo Fashion co.
P/s: if you all dunno, i had the dream to design, make and sell clothes u know!! haiz.. too bad i chose knowledge over interest..
anyway, i'm more free now!! Yay!
My assignments are over, left with a final test on next Monday.. i have another community service thingie to complete on the 12th of Dec. And i'm looking forward to it.
I went down for a visit with this home for the destitute (people who are abandoned and no home to live in) last week. and my heart went out to them. they are all old folks with one of them close to 97 years old! they were very happy to see visitors and i heard that they have been neglected for sometime now (Without any visitors). and i can see they are really appreciative and enthusiastic that we are going to organise a x'mas lunch for them. :) i'm happy abt it too!
last night was the last episode for Princess hours. Now i don't know what to do.. without any shows to look forward to in the evening.. haha.. anyway, this scene is one of my favourites from the show. you must understand that cos the two of them are going to be separated soon and that's why the kiss was exceptionally rare and memorable.
What happened to my feet? i became one of the fruits on the plate..

Pinkie Mousepad, Mirror and yan yan!! yum!!

Recently was crazy over Princess Hours, although I don't really find the guys cute in this show.. the cute ones are not the lead characters (Though really not a lot, how to beat Kim Sam Soon's bf?)
Saw a funny exchange on Cruz's site:
"SK: S~i~g~h~
Cruz: wad?
SK: It’s a forbidden love lar. Sigh…
Cruz: wad?
SK: everyday i fall in love madly with him…
Cruz: who?
SK: he’s so unreachable! so far away from me!!!!! help!
Cruz: WHO?
SK: shin goon
Cruz: whos that? which goondu?
SK: joo ji hoon
Cruz: sell bee hoon one ah?
SK: he’s the crown prince ok
Cruz: sell bee hoon at crown prince hotel?
SK: don’t insult myy prince charming ok
Cruz: Muahahaha
SK: Oh btw, u look good now. I hope u be like my shin goon ok."
Well, if you want me to choose between the yul goon and the shin goon, i'll choose shin goon (dun understand why ppl love yul goon so much when he is such a baddie in the show) cos shin goon is the shy-and-unable-to-express-his-feelings-properly type.
the last few episodes will be a must watch! it's so touching i cry and cry.. sobs.. (maybe it's just me.. cos i cried for Kim Sam Soon, Little Bride also) and i would categorise those dramas that will make me cry as good ones.. such a sadists.. muahaha..

while looking for a nice goong picture, i found the korean tourism website which also describes the places the show went to! I would like so much to go to their teddy bear museum.. sounds fun!!
today i made a trip back to my contract school. even though i went back with a motive, to conduct an interview with some of the teachers, i didn't feel really reluctant to do so.
on the bus to school, i met some of the students i used to conduct remedial with. even though i don't usually talk much with them, i find that i enjoyed talking to them and listening to their silly talks on the way to school.
msged one of my students to tell her that i'll be going back. but was quite sad that i did not say a proper goodbye to them. the girls ran back to school when they heard that i'll be there. but sometimes, i feel that i might not bear to leave them if i see them for too long today.. haha.. quite silly.. but i felt touched when they asked me when i will be back. they told me they did as promised and stayed as a class to get promoted to sec 2. when will i be back? this is a question they keep asking me. i also ask myself this sometimes. the prospect of being able to go back just like old time is so tempting. but i do want to expose myself to other schools as well. if not, i might just get stuck in the same school all my life, not knowing what it is like. maybe the outside world will be better, maybe worse?
felt quite touched when the teachers seem happy that i'm back for a visit. life has moved on for some of them, some of them leaving, some of them promoted. happy and sad for those leaving. the next time if i get posted to the school, maybe some more teachers will be leaving too?
it felt like the old times, when i went for lunch with a couple of colleagues.. gossiping about school n students. how i miss it..
on my way home, i thought about this. it made me realise how lonely and unhappy i am now, when i am in nie. u know, i'm someone who takes sometime to warm up with ppl. so somehow, i felt that i can never have frens like i have during my contract school. frens who are supportive, fun and you know who to turn to when you are in need. frens who make u feel that doing all these is all worthwhile. not just ideals, not just marvellous lesson plans. but how to face the problems and at the end of the day forget about the problems which turn out to be so minor after awhile. frens who will feel hungry even before u do and volunteer to have lunch with u. frens who listen to me and wants me to listen. i never had kind of frens in nie since i stepped in. everyday in school makes me feel really lonely, really isolated. makes me feel like hiding from.
that's why, visiting my old school is not so bad.. at least i feel appreciated.
also, thanks to my newfound-old- classmates for making life in nie more bearable thru the forum. at least there's an outlet for me to escape.
thanks to my dear, who listens relentlessly to my complains and my whining.. i couldn't have controlled my anguish without u. and i look forward to share the same vision for the future with u.
Just found some cutie technology! who says technology is for geeks?? this post was supposed to come on 1st of nov when it's Hello Kitty 30th Bday.. but i was unable to upload the pic. happy belated bday!! the older the cuter!! haha..

anyway this new sony ericsson phone, Z610 is super stylo milo! with the catchy glossy face and OLED screen on the outerface!! i love it!!! but not gonna change my hp.. not even 1 yr since i changed hp.. somemore Z610 has no fm radio function.. my long mrt n bus rides will be bored to death! sobs..